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Ayurvedic medicine online

Amritarishta Baidyanath
4.5 ★
Amritarishta Baidyanath Baidhyanath

Amritarishta Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 195
AVP Cardojith Tablet Strip of 100 Tablet
4 ★
Avp Cardojith Tablet Strip Of AVP

Regulates Cardiovascular functions

MRP : INR 350
ASHWASHILA Syrup Bottle of  200 ML
4 ★
Ashwashila Syrup Bottle Of 20 JANTAYU PANCHGAVYAM

Helpful in sexual, mental and physical debility Has a rejuvenating action Useful for anti-str

MRP : INR 195
Kali Phosphoricum6X Bottle of 450 GM
4.2 ★
Kali Phosphoricum6x Bottle Of SBL

Kali Phosphoricum, also known as Potassium Phosphate or Kalium Phosphoricum, is a biochemic tissue s

MRP : INR 720
Dhootapapeshwar RAJAHPRAVARTINI VATI Jar of 60 QTY
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Rajahpravartin Dhootpapeshwar

This ayurvedic product may support bone, joint, and muscle functions It might help improve overall h

MRP : INR 155
Pilewin Tablets by SKM
4.5 ★
Pilewin Tablets By Skm SKM SIDDHA & AYU

Pilewin Tablets By Skm : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 231
Muktadi Vati
4.4 ★
Muktadi Vati Baidhyanath

For calcium deficiency, rickets, nausea, and vomiting

MRP : INR 585
kanasathahwadi kashayam
4.2 ★
Kanasathahwadi Kashayam Vaidyaratnam

Kanasathahwadi Kashayam: Ayurvedic decoction for managing respiratory disorders.

MRP : INR 160
Tribhuvan kirti  Dab Baid
4.3 ★
Tribhuvan Kirti Dab Baid DABUR

Tribhuvan Kirti Dab Baid : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 105
Kali Muriaticum6X Bottle of 25 GM
4.4 ★
Kali Muriaticum6x Bottle Of 25 SBL

Kali Muriaticum, also known as Potassium Chloride or Kali Mur, is a biochemic remedy in homoeopathy.

MRP : INR 115
INR 110
Tansukh Triphala Guggulu Jar of 40 QTY
4 ★
Tansukh Triphala Guggulu Jar O Tansukh

Tansukh Triphala Guggulu is an Ayurvedic Medicine for Chronic Constipation, Piles, Fistula, Eyes and

MRP : INR 90
AVP Ashtavargam Kashyam Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Avp Ashtavargam Kashyam Bottle AVP

Improves strength, pacifies joint pain

MRP : INR 135
Arvindasava Baidyanath Bottle of  225 ML
4.6 ★
Arvindasava Baidyanath Bottle Baidhyanath

Arvindasava is asava in ayurvedic formulation tonic for children in case of rickets, diarrhea,

MRP : INR 144
Maharishi Ayurveda Dhanvantar Taila Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Maharishi Ayurveda Dhanvantar Maharishi Ayurveda

Dhanvantar Taila is an ayurvedic medicated oil for Vata disorders. It can be used internally and ext

MRP : INR 450
INR 428
Manyawin Capsule Strip of  60 Capsule
4.3 ★
Manyawin Capsule Strip Of 60 SKM SIDDHA & AYU

Manyawin Capsule : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation  

MRP : INR 400
Bipha Selip Syrup
4.2 ★
Bipha Selip Syrup Bipha Ayurveda

Bipha Selip Syrup : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 180
Platenza Tablets Himalaya
4.3 ★
Platenza Tablets Himalaya Himalaya

Platenza Tablets Himalaya : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 165
Kairali Guggulu Thiktham Kashayam Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Kairali Guggulu Thiktham Kasha Kairali

An ayurvedic formulation to treat various types of skin diseases including chronic wounds and ulcers

MRP : INR 262
Abhrak Bhasm Baidyanath
4.3 ★
Abhrak Bhasm Baidyanath Baidhyanath

Abhrak Bhasm Baidyanath - Unlock the potential of Abhrak Bhasm, a renowned Ayurvedic ingredient. Con

MRP : INR 160
Baidyanath gokshuradi guggulu Bottle of 80 Tablet
4 ★
Baidyanath Gokshuradi Guggulu Baidhyanath

It helps in reducing the difficulty in urination, gout and diuretic Acts as a diuretic and helps in

MRP : INR 190
Dhootapapeshwar  SOOTIKA BHARAN RAS Jar of 10 QTY
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Sootika Bhara Dhootpapeshwar

Eliminates abdominal gas and lowers abdominal distension Contains anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic and

MRP : INR 342
Dabur Kumaryasava Bottle of 680 ML
4 ★
Dabur Kumaryasava Bottle Of 68 DABUR

Alleviates digestive problems

MRP : INR 235
Praval Panchamrut Vati  With Mouktik by Dhootapapeshwar
4.6 ★
Praval Panchamrut Vati With M Dhootpapeshwar

Praval Panchamrut Vati With Mouktik by Dhootapapeshwar - Discover the efficacy of Praval Panchamrut

MRP : INR 480
Diabetic combination
4.2 ★
Diabetic Combination Tansukh

Diabetic Combination : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 2250

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