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Ayurvedic medicine online

Amritarishta Baidyanath
4.5 ★
Amritarishta Baidyanath Baidhyanath

Amritarishta Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 195
Vaidyaratnam KACHOORADI CHOORNAM Jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Vaidyaratnam Kachooradi Choorn Vaidyaratnam

Stammering, Dysarthria, Promotes intelligence and memory

MRP : INR 80
Shrigopal Tail by Dabur
4.5 ★
Shrigopal Tail By Dabur DABUR

Shrigopal Tail is a powerful combination of 61 unique herbs including Ashwagandha, Kesar, and Shatav

MRP : INR 160
Vansaar Karela and Jamun Juice  Bottle of  1000 ML
4.4 ★
Vansaar Karela And Jamun Juice Vansaar

Vansaar Karela Jamun Juice is an ayurvedic juice that helps manage your blood sugar l

MRP : INR 340
Solumiks Afrol Plus Gold Capsule
4.4 ★
Solumiks Afrol Plus Gold Capsu Solumiks

Solumiks Afrol Plus Gold Capsule is a non-hormonal, efficacious and safe aphrodisiac combinatio

MRP : INR 720
Bio Combination 4 Bottle of 25 GM
4.3 ★
Bio Combination 4 Bottle Of 25 SBL

Constipation is a condition in which you may have less than three bowel movements a week. Stools are

MRP : INR 115
Basic Ayurveda  Paneer Doda Herbal Mix Powder Jar of 200 GM
4 ★
Basic Ayurveda Paneer Doda He BASIC AYURVEDA

Helps reduce insulin consumption in diabetic patients Repairs the beta cells of pancreas to provide

MRP : INR 190
Selenium3X Bottle of 25 GM
4.3 ★
Selenium3x Bottle Of 25 Gm SBL

SBL's Selenium Trituration Tablet is a trace element that is a constant constituent of bones and tee

MRP : INR 180
Vyas Bilwadi Churna Jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Vyas Bilwadi Churna Jar Of 100 Vyas

Product highlights Helps enhance body metabolism Aids in improving digestion Relieves constipation a

MRP : INR 160
Vatrina Tablet
4.3 ★
Vatrina Tablet Baidhyanath

Vatrina Tablet Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 240
Dhootapapeshwar ASHWAGANDHARISHTA Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Ashwagandharis Dhootpapeshwar

Helps to improve the overall wellbeing of the person It can to support the functioning of the stomac

MRP : INR 224
Nagarjuna Kaarpasasthyaadi Thailam Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Nagarjuna Kaarpasasthyaadi Tha Nagarjuna

An ayurvedic oil Beneficial for headache Useful for muscular issues

MRP : INR 160
Dhootapapeshwar LAVANBHASKAR TAB Jar of 60 QTY
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Lavanbhaskar T Dhootpapeshwar

Balances kidney functions Manages the digestive system Stabilises the stomach Reduces burning sensat

MRP : INR 72
Avipattikar Churn Tablet DH
4.3 ★
Avipattikar Churn Tablet Dh Dhootpapeshwar

Amlpitta Hyperacidity

MRP : INR 80
Alka 5 Syrup by Charak
4.5 ★
Alka 5 Syrup By Charak Charak

Alka 5 Syrup By Charak : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
Maharishi Ayurveda TRIPHALA GHRITA Jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala Gh Maharishi Ayurveda


MRP : INR 600
INR 513
Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala Jar of 625 QTY
4 ★
Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala Ja Maharishi Ayurveda

Maharishi Ayurveda Triphala is a combination of potent herbs that work synergistically for toning up

MRP : INR 625
INR 504
Sudarshan Ghanvati By Tansukh
4.4 ★
Sudarshan Ghanvati By Tansukh Tansukh

Effective in fever

MRP : INR 80
Balakalpam Pediatric Tonic Kerala Ayurveda
4.3 ★
Balakalpam Pediatric Tonic Ker Kerala Ayurveda

Balakalpam Pediatric Tonic Kerala Ayurveda: Kerala Ayurveda's pediatric tonic for promoting grow

MRP : INR 150
Vyas Kaunch Beej Bottle of 60 QTY
4 ★
Vyas Kaunch Beej Bottle Of 60 Vyas

Vyas Kaunch Beej Tablet is a ayurvedic product which t helps to nourish the reproductive health of

MRP : INR 135
Livomyn Syrup by Charak
4.6 ★
Livomyn Syrup By Charak Charak

Livomyn Syrup By Charak : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 240
Alka 5 Syrup by Charak
4.5 ★
Alka 5 Syrup By Charak Charak

Alka 5 Syrup By Charak : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
Tarkeshwer Ras Bottle Of 20 Tablet
4.4 ★
Tarkeshwer Ras Bottle Of 20 Ta Baidhyanath

Tarkeshwer Ras is a herbomineral tablet that helps balance the Vata and pitta in the body. It a

MRP : INR 126

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