United States

Ayurvedic medicine online

SINORAS Strip of 60 Tablet
4.3 ★
Sinoras Strip Of 60 Tablet Bhargava Phyto lab

Acute And Chronic Sinusitis, Sinus Congestion, Sinus Catarrh And Inflammation, Running Nose, Blocked

MRP : INR 160
BALS Strip of 60 Tablet
4.4 ★
Bals Strip Of 60 Tablet Bhargava Phyto lab

Baldness, Loss Of Hair. Hair Fall From The Crown, In Large Bunches. Itching Of Scalp Due To Presence

MRP : INR 160
Natrum Muriaticum3X Bottle of 25 GM
4.3 ★
Natrum Muriaticum3x Bottle Of SBL

Natrum Muriaticum, also known as Natrum Mur or Nat. Mur, is a homoeopathic remedy that is commonly u

MRP : INR 115
Swadeshi S SHE CARE JUICE Bottle of 500 ML
4 ★
Swadeshi S She Care Juice Bott Swadeshi Ayurved

Helps to balance hormones naturally, Improves mood swings & relieves painful cycles.

MRP : INR 300
INR 282
Dhanvantari Guj Rumon Oil Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Dhanvantari Guj Rumon Oil Bott Dhanvantari Guj

In Rheumatoid Arthritis In chronic backache In gout In Osteo Arthritis In Spondylitis In Sprain

MRP : INR 1195
Kairali Sudhabala Thailam Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Kairali Sudhabala Thailam Bott Kairali

This Ayurvedic oil is used for neurological disorders like facial palsy, hemiplegia, insanity etc. I

MRP : INR 225
Maharishi Ayurveda MAHAYOGRAJ GUGGULU Jar of 40 QTY
4 ★
Maharishi Ayurveda Mahayograj Maharishi Ayurveda


MRP : INR 363
baidyanath chandraprabha bati Bottle of 120 GM
4 ★
Baidyanath Chandraprabha Bati Baidhyanath

It provides relief from muscle and joint pain

MRP : INR 212
Baidyanath DASHMULARISHTA Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Baidyanath Dashmularishta Bott Baidhyanath

Helpful in strengthen muscles, bones and ligaments and boosts immunity Helps to remove inflammation,

MRP : INR 216
Vilwadi Gulika Kairali
4.4 ★
Vilwadi Gulika Kairali Kairali

Vilwadi Gulika Kairali : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 370
SNA OUSHADHASALA Elaadi Coconut Oil Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Sna Oushadhasala Elaadi Coconu SNA OUSHADHASALA

Skin ailments, catarrh, itches, scabies, karappan etc

MRP : INR 240
Dhootapapeshwar USHEERASAVA Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Usheerasava Bo Dhootpapeshwar

Natural ingredients with no side effects Improves your overall well-being Helps manage skin disorde

MRP : INR 201
baidyanath kabjahar granules Bottle of 200 GM
4 ★
Baidyanath Kabjahar Granules B Baidhyanath

Beneficial in relieving symptoms of constipation like heaviness in the abdomen

MRP : INR 180
OVINORM Bottle of 30 ML
4.2 ★
Ovinorm Bottle Of 30 Ml Bhargava Phyto lab

For Ovary Related Problems Like Ovarian Cysts And Pain In Lower Abdomen. Helps To Regulate The Mense

MRP : INR 166
Vaidyaratnam MUSTHARISHTAM Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Vaidyaratnam Mustharishtam Bot Vaidyaratnam

Indigestion, chronic Diarrhoea, Sprue

MRP : INR 125
Hiora Ga Gum Astringent Gel Himalaya
4.4 ★
Hiora Ga Gum Astringent Gel Hi Himalaya

Hiora Ga Gum Astringent Gel Himalaya : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
Trivanga Bhasma Bottle of  5 GM
4.4 ★
Trivanga Bhasma Bottle Of 5 G Dhootpapeshwar

Trivanga Bhasma By Dhootapapeshwar : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 190
Dhootapapeshwar  GANDHARVA HARITAKI CHURAN Jar of 500 GM
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Gandharva Har Dhootpapeshwar

This Kalpa helps to digest and excrete the Apakva Mala out of body by its Anulomak action. It is Sni

MRP : INR 670
4 ★
Sitaram Ayurveda Narasimham H Sitaram Ayurveda

Narasimham hair oil is a unique blend of herbs and minerals derived from the time-honoured Rasayana

MRP : INR 249
Patanjali Kesh Hair Cleanser Silk and  Shine Bottle of 450 ML ML
4 ★
Patanjali Kesh Hair Cleanser S Patanjali Divya

Dermatologically tested. Useful for dry and rough hair. Prevents hair fall & improves hair shine

MRP : INR 180
Kairali Thriphaladi Kera Thailam Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Kairali Thriphaladi Kera Thail Kairali

This is an effective Ayurvedic oil for treating headaches, falling hair and grey hair. It also treat

MRP : INR 242
Bio India Bach Flower White Chestnut Of 30 Ml
4.4 ★
Bio India Bach Flower White Ch BIO India

Product highlights Useful in improving concentration power Promotes rational thinking

MRP : INR 150

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