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Ayurvedic medicine online

Tansukh Sudarshan Ghanvati
4.3 ★
Tansukh Sudarshan Ghanvati Tansukh

Effective in fever

MRP : INR 80
Litevate Tablet
4.3 ★
Litevate Tablet Bio Resurge

 Litevate Tablets consists of ingredients that have appetite suppressing properties and en

MRP : INR 480
Plihari Bati Baidyanath
4.5 ★
Plihari Bati Baidyanath Baidhyanath

Plihari Bati Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
Nagarjuna Diarid Strip of 100 Tablet
4 ★
Nagarjuna Diarid Strip Of 100 Nagarjuna

Helps manage diarrhea and other digestive disorders It reduces intestinal inflammation and irritatio

MRP : INR 350
Bipha Padhyashadangam Tablets Bottle of  90 Tablet
4.3 ★
Bipha Padhyashadangam Tablets Bipha Ayurveda

This tablet is prepared from the herbal extract of the Pathyashadangam Kashaya. This formulation is

MRP : INR 370
Bio India Complex 24 Prostate Drop Bottle of  30 ML
4.5 ★
Bio India Complex 24 Prostate BIO India

Product highlights May improve urine flow May be helpful in reducing frequent urinatio

MRP : INR 150
Tansukh Hingwastak Churna
4.3 ★
Tansukh Hingwastak Churna Tansukh

Effective in Gastritis, GI disorders and Indigestion

MRP : INR 195
NORMACAPS Strip of  30 Capsule
4.3 ★
Normacaps Strip Of 30 Capsule Ayukalp

NORMACAPS Stress Reliever | Reduce stress & Anxiety

MRP : INR 180
Nagarju Kottakkal Mahatiktaka Lepam  Lami Tube Tube of 10 GM
4 ★
Nagarju Kottakkal Mahatiktaka Nagarjuna

Kottakkal Ayurveda Mahatiktalepam is an ayurvedic medicated oil that helps to improve skin and hair.

MRP : INR 50
Dr Willmar Schwabe India CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA 1X TAB Bottle of 20 GM
4 ★
Dr Willmar Schwabe India Crata Dr Willmar Schwabe India

High Cholesterol and maintains normal Blood Pressure

MRP : INR 160
Whitewin Capsules by SKM
4.3 ★
Whitewin Capsules By Skm SKM SIDDHA & AYU

Whitewin Capsules By Skm : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 320
ashwagandharishtam Bottle of 450 ML
4.4 ★
Ashwagandharishtam Bottle Of 4 DEEP AYURVEDA

Ashwagandharishtam - An Classical Formulation by Deep Ayurveda | 450 ml

MRP : INR 262
Vansaar Ayurvedic Calcium Bottle of 120 Tablet
4 ★
Vansaar Ayurvedic Calcium Bott Vansaar

Vansaar Ayurvedic Calcium Tablets

MRP : INR 1300
Dhanvantari Guj Khadiradi Vati Jar of 10 GM
4 ★
Dhanvantari Guj Khadiradi Vati Dhanvantari Guj

Maintains oral health Controls the trigger of coughing bouts Acts as a mouth freshener

MRP : INR 110
Tansukh Dashan Sanskar Churn
4.3 ★
Tansukh Dashan Sanskar Churn Tansukh

Dashan Sanskar Churn by Tansukh helps in Treating bleeding gums.

MRP : INR 155
Plugit capsule Vasu Strip of  60 Tablet
4.4 ★
Plugit Capsule Vasu Strip Of VASU

Plugit Capsule Vasu Strip Of 60 Tablet : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 800
Dabur Ashwagandharishta Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Dabur Ashwagandharishta Bottle DABUR

Increases energy levels

MRP : INR 290
OM KIDNEY CARE ARK Bottle of  450 ML
4 ★
Om Kidney Care Ark Bottle Of OM


MRP : INR 300
Dhootapapeshwar VS NEEM TAB Jar of 60 QTY
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Vs Neem Tab Ja Dhootpapeshwar

The well-known tree Neem which is found all over India is commonly used in Skin diseases. Neem helps

MRP : INR 110
Bio Combination 5 Bottle of 25 GM
4.2 ★
Bio Combination 5 Bottle Of 25 SBL

Coryza is an acute inflammatory contagious disease involving the upper respiratory tract. Its sympto

MRP : INR 115
Mahathikthakam Ghrutham Ointment Tube of  20 GM
4.3 ★
Mahathikthakam Ghrutham Ointme Vaidyaratnam

Mahathikthakam ghrutham ointment is helpful in all types of dermatological disorders like eczema, le

MRP : INR 250
Godanti Bhasma by Dhootapapeshwar
4.3 ★
Godanti Bhasma By Dhootapapesh Dhootpapeshwar

Dhootapapeshwar Godanti Bhasma is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of

MRP : INR 80
Nagarjuna Kumkumaadi Lepam 10gm Tube of 10 GM
4 ★
Nagarjuna Kumkumaadi Lepam 10g Nagarjuna

It helps to improve fairness Helps to remove the black marks from the face Protects from UV rays whi

MRP : INR 110
Swadeshi Ayurved Adrak Ras Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Swadeshi Ayurved Adrak Ras Bot Swadeshi Ayurved

Aids in better digestion Improves respiration and breathing Builds strong metabolism Helps reduce na

MRP : INR 135
INR 126

Best selling online Ayurvedic medicines

Buying Ayurvedic Medicines Online