United States

Ayurvedic medicine online

Coughshain Syrup Bottle of  200 ML
4.4 ★
Coughshain Syrup Bottle Of 20 SUSHAIN

Coughshain Syrup: A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
GANDHAK VATI Bottle of  50 QTY
4.4 ★
Gandhak Vati Bottle Of 50 Qty SN Herbals

Gandhak Vati is mainly useful in treating digestive ailments. It helps in relieving excess gas and r

MRP : INR 128
Guduchi Powder Bottle of 100 GM
4.4 ★
Guduchi Powder Bottle Of 100 G Planet Ayurveda

Guduchi powder helps to maintain healthy immune system. It is made using the pure guduchi herb. Dosa

MRP : INR 450
Purnachandra Ras Tablet Baidyanath
4.5 ★
Purnachandra Ras Tablet Baidya Baidhyanath

Purnachandra Ras Tablet Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 160
Patharina Tablets
4.3 ★
Patharina Tablets Baidhyanath

Patharina Tablets : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 160
Lawangadi Bati Baidyanath
4.3 ★
Lawangadi Bati Baidyanath Baidhyanath

Lawangadi Bati Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
Baidyanath KHADIRARISHTA Bottle of 225 ML
4 ★
Baidyanath Khadirarishta Bottl Baidhyanath

Protects against skin-related ailments Reduces toxin absorption into the blood Helps purify blood In

MRP : INR 112
Baidyanath Raktashodhantak Bati Bottle of 50 Tablet
4 ★
Baidyanath Raktashodhantak Bat Baidhyanath

Helps manage skin problems Provides relief from itching Helps reduce inflammation Useful for rashes

MRP : INR 232
Swadeshi ARJUNARISTHA Bottle of 500 ML
4 ★
Swadeshi Arjunaristha Bottle O Swadeshi Ayurved

Swadeshi Arjunaristh Asav Swadeshi Arjunarishta is an Ayurvedic formulation used for cardiovascular

MRP : INR 140
Coughshain Syrup
4.3 ★
Coughshain Syrup SUSHAIN

Coughshain Syrup: A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
Maharishi Ayurveda Abhyarishta Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Maharishi Ayurveda Abhyarishta Maharishi Ayurveda

Abhyarishta by Maharishi Ayurveda is an ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of mild to moderat

MRP : INR 320
INR 304
4 ★
Sitaram Ayurveda Gopatmajadi K Sitaram Ayurveda

Gopatmajadi Kera Thailam is used to improve hair health; beneficial for the eyes; relieves inflammat

MRP : INR 200
4.4 ★
Swadista Virechan Churna Bottl SN Herbals

Swadista Virechan Churna helps provide relief from indigestion, gas and enhances digestive system

MRP : INR 150
Maharishi Ayurveda Dashmoola Taila Bottle of 50 ML
4 ★
Maharishi Ayurveda Dashmoola T Maharishi Ayurveda

Dashmoola Taila by Maharishi Ayurveda is an ayurvedic medicine used in the treatment of headaches, m

MRP : INR 132
INR 126
4 ★
Sitaram Ayurveda Allerkhand Ta Sitaram Ayurveda

Immunity booster , Anti-inflammatory & Anti-histaminic

MRP : INR 150
Rumakalp Tablet Bottle of  30 Tablet
4.2 ★
Rumakalp Tablet Bottle Of 30 Pravek Kalp

Rumakalpa Tabet is an ayurvedic medicine may it helps reduce a muscles and joint pain.

MRP : INR 120
Kairali Kutajarishtam Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Kairali Kutajarishtam Bottle O Kairali

Kutajarishtam (Kutajarishta) is a beneficial Ayurvedic medicinal tonic used for the treatment of loo

MRP : INR 140
Vatavidhwansa Rasa Rasakalpa by Dhootapapeshwar
4.3 ★
Vatavidhwansa Rasa Rasakalpa B Dhootpapeshwar

Vatavidhwansa Rasa Rasakalpa by Dhootapapeshwar - Supports nervous system health and relaxation.

MRP : INR 80
SBL Gymnema Sylvestre Mother Tincture Q Bottle of  30 ML
4 ★
Sbl Gymnema Sylvestre Mother T SBL

SBL Gymnema Sylvestre Mother Tincture Q is a homoeopathic formulation that can help regulate bl

MRP : INR 110
Vaidyaratnam SARASWATHAM GHRUTHAM Jar of 150 GM
4 ★
Vaidyaratnam Saraswatham Ghrut Vaidyaratnam

All types of Uro-genital disorders, Cough, Breathlessness, Jaundice etc

MRP : INR 235
Melanogrit Tablet Patanjali Divya
4.4 ★
Melanogrit Tablet Patanjali Di Patanjali Divya

Melanogrit Tablet Patanjali Divya : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 240
Dr Bakshi's B 64 Dermato Drops Bottle of 30 ML
4.4 ★
Dr Bakshi's B 64 Dermato Drops Bakson's

Bakson B 64 drops are a natural homeopathic medicine for skin problems, intended to relieve scaling,

MRP : INR 185
INR 148
Unjha Medohar Guggulu Bottle of 60 Tablet
4 ★
Unjha Medohar Guggulu Bottle O UNJHA

Unjha Medohar Guggulu Works on Metabolism and Burns Fat, maintain Body Weight, constipation, indiges

MRP : INR 143

Best selling online Ayurvedic medicines

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