United States

Ayurvedic medicine online

Triphla Churna Tansukh
4.4 ★
Triphla Churna Tansukh Tansukh

Triphla Churna is an Ayurvedic formulation containing potent ingredients like Haritaki, Bibhiti

MRP : INR 80
G Amrita Tablet Bottle of  60 Tablet
4 ★
G Amrita Tablet Bottle Of 60 SDH Naturals

G Amrita Tablet By Sdh Naturals : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation.

MRP : INR 330
Indigestionconstipation Combo
4.2 ★
Indigestionconstipation Combo Tansukh

Indigestionconstipation Combo : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 550
Pramehgaj Keshari Ras 5g Tansukh
4.6 ★
Pramehgaj Keshari Ras 5g Tansu Tansukh

Pramehgaj Keshari Ras 5g Tansukh is an ayurvedic formulation of different herbs that come together t

MRP : INR 80
Coolant Tablet Zoetic
4.3 ★
Coolant Tablet Zoetic ZOETIC

Coolant Tablet Zoetic: Tablets for providing cooling relief in cases of fever and heat-related condi

MRP : INR 550
Jalodarari Ras Tablet
4.4 ★
Jalodarari Ras Tablet Virgo

Jalodarari Ras Tablet : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 100
Aragvadha Avleh by NMP
4.6 ★
Aragvadha Avleh By Nmp Neelkanth Medi Point

Mild laxative, Mouth sour, Burning acidity, Headache

MRP : INR 205
Hadjod Bone Joint Wellness Bottle of  60 Tablet
4 ★
Hadjod Bone Joint Wellness Bot Himalaya

Hadjod Bone Joint wellness is an Ayurvedic medicine.

MRP : INR 270
patanjali DIVYA PEY Foil of 100 GM
4 ★
Patanjali Divya Pey Foil Of 10 Patanjali Divya

Patanjali Divya Peya is an Ayurvedic substitute for tea. Crafted with the utmost care, Patanjali Div

MRP : INR 80
Caratol e Tablet Strip of  60 Tablet
4.6 ★
Caratol E Tablet Strip Of 60 Dr JRK

Dr. JRK Caratol-e Tablet is a herbo-mineral formulation which is effective in the management of viti

MRP : INR 678
4.4 ★
Satadhoutaghritam kottakkal

Kottakkal Ayurveda Satadhoutaghritam is used in case of burnt skin, wrinkles, or sunburn as a m

MRP : INR 80
4.3 ★
Patrangasava Baidhyanath

Useful White Discharge (Vaginal), Relieves Painful and and Heavy Menses

MRP : INR 240
Bruhata Triphala Choornam by VAIDYARATNAM
4.3 ★
Bruhata Triphala Choornam By V Vaidyaratnam

Bruhata Triphala Choornam Perfect Churnam for digestive problems

MRP : INR 80
Bolabaddha Rasa by Dhootapapeshwar
4.3 ★
Bolabaddha Rasa By Dhootapapes Dhootpapeshwar

Bolabaddha Rasa by Dhootapapeshwar - Unlock the potential of Bolabaddha Rasa, an authentic Ayurvedic

MRP : INR 285
Vilwadi Gulika by AVN
4.5 ★
Vilwadi Gulika By Avn AVN

Vilwadi Gulika By Avn : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 480
Hriday Shakti Capsules by Ayucine Forever
4.4 ★
Hriday Shakti Capsules By Ayuc Jamna Herbals Research ltd

Hriday Shakti Capsules By Ayucine Forever : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 320
Bruhata Triphala Choornam by VAIDYARATNAM
4.3 ★
Bruhata Triphala Choornam By V Vaidyaratnam

Bruhata Triphala Choornam Perfect Churnam for digestive problems

MRP : INR 80
Panchamrut Parpati 10 Gm By Dhootapapeshwar
4.3 ★
Panchamrut Parpati 10 Gm By Dh Dhootpapeshwar

Panchamrut Parpati 10 Gm By Dhootapapeshwar : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 189
Swadeshi Sugar Nashak Vati Jar of 60 QTY
4 ★
Swadeshi Sugar Nashak Vati Jar Swadeshi Ayurved

Swadeshi Sugar NashakVati is a 100% natural and ayurvedic product that is specially indicated in dia

MRP : INR 180
INR 169
Vaidyaratnam NISHAKATHAKADI KWATHAM Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Vaidyaratnam Nishakathakadi Kw Vaidyaratnam

Skin diseases caused by 'Kapha' and 'Pita'

MRP : INR 160
4.3 ★
Haritaki Churn DABUR

HARITAKI CHURN: Pure Haritaki powder, known for its digestive and detoxifying properties, used to su

MRP : INR 80
organic amaltas powder Bottle of  100 GM
4.4 ★
Organic Amaltas Powder Bottle DEEP AYURVEDA

Organic Amaltas Powder (Cassia Fistula)

MRP : INR 268
AGUE NIL Bottle of 200 ML
4.4 ★
Ague Nil Bottle Of 200 Ml Bhargava Phyto lab

Ague Nil Is Very Useful In Various Fevers. It Helps To Increases The Wbc And Platelets Counts And Th

MRP : INR 160
AVP Drakshadi Kashyam Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Avp Drakshadi Kashyam Bottle O AVP

Offers healthy Liver support

MRP : INR 170

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