United States

Ayurvedic medicine online

AVP Chirivilwadi Kashayam Tablet Strip of 100 Tablet
4 ★
Avp Chirivilwadi Kashayam Tabl AVP

Promotes healthy digestion and metabolism Supports normal bowel movements

MRP : INR 600
AVP Chukkukaappi Bottle of 100 GM
4 ★
Avp Chukkukaappi Bottle Of 100 AVP

Aids relief in Cough, Fever and Headache

MRP : INR 220
AVP chukkumthipallyadi gulika Strip of 10 Tablet
4 ★
Avp Chukkumthipallyadi Gulika AVP

Aids solace in epilepsy and other neurological conditions

MRP : INR 25
AVP Chyavanaprasamb Jar of 250 GM
4 ★
Avp Chyavanaprasamb Jar Of 250 AVP

Promotes general health and wellbeing Helps rejuvenate and revitalise the body Supports respiratory

MRP : INR 399
AVP Cofheal Bottle of 100 ML
4 ★
Avp Cofheal Bottle Of 100 Ml AVP

Helps manage productive cough and common cold

MRP : INR 85
AVP Dadimadi Gritham Bottle of 150 GM
4 ★
Avp Dadimadi Gritham Bottle Of AVP

Offers female reproductive system support Assists in managing infertility

MRP : INR 185
AVP dasamoola jeera kadyarishtam Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Avp Dasamoola Jeera Kadyarisht AVP

Dasamoolajeerakadyarishtam is a Beneficial Formula for Postnatal Period, Promotes Faster Recovery, S

MRP : INR 150
AVP Dhanadanayanadi Kashayam Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Avp Dhanadanayanadi Kashayam B AVP

Assists in relief from neurological problems Promotes neuromuscular coordination

MRP : INR 180
AVP Dhanwantharam Kashayam Tablet Strip of 100 Tablet
4 ★
Avp Dhanwantharam Kashayam Tab AVP

Aids relief from joint ailments and associated symptoms

MRP : INR 550
AVP Dhanwantharam Thailam Balm Kits of 30 GM
4 ★
Avp Dhanwantharam Thailam Balm AVP

Aids faster relief from muscle pain and aches

MRP : INR 400
AVP dhurdoora pathradi coconut oil Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Avp Dhurdoora Pathradi Coconut AVP

Supports healthy scalp environment

MRP : INR 190
AVP Diajith Jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Avp Diajith Jar Of 100 Gm AVP

An Ayurvedic support for Diabetes management

MRP : INR 120
AVP Easelax Plus Bottle of 30 Capsule
4 ★
Avp Easelax Plus Bottle Of 30 AVP

Supports digestive health

MRP : INR 180
AVP Eladi Coconut Oil Balm Kits of 40 GM
4 ★
Avp Eladi Coconut Oil Balm Kit AVP

Helps replenish skin moisture levels

MRP : INR 490
AVP Febrojith Tablet Box Strip of 10 Tablet
4 ★
Avp Febrojith Tablet Box Strip AVP

Supports immune system functions

MRP : INR 50
AVP Flash Capsule Jar of 30 Capsule
4 ★
Avp Flash Capsule Jar Of 30 Ca AVP

Beneficial in Musculoskeletal pain

MRP : INR 100
AVP Heal Medicated Honey Bottle of 75 GM
4 ★
Avp Heal Medicated Honey Bottl AVP

Aids digestive health

MRP : INR 65
AVP Heal Pain Balm Bottle of 10 GM
4 ★
Avp Heal Pain Balm Bottle Of 1 AVP

Beneficial in Common Cold

MRP : INR 55
AVP Healtone Bottle of 225 ML
4 ★
Avp Healtone Bottle Of 225 Ml AVP

Promotes natural immunity

MRP : INR 110
AVP Indukantham Kashayam Tablet Strip of 10 Tablet
4 ★
Avp Indukantham Kashayam Table AVP

Helps bolster natural immunity

MRP : INR 50
AVP iQ shakthi Jar of 250 GM
4 ★
Avp Iq Shakthi Jar Of 250 Gm AVP

Supports memory and concentration

MRP : INR 400
AVP Kanaka Thailam Bottle of 30 ML
4 ★
Avp Kanaka Thailam Bottle Of 3 AVP

Helps enhance skin radiance

MRP : INR 1050
AVP Karpasasthyadi Thailam  of 200 ML
4 ★
Avp Karpasasthyadi Thailam Of AVP

Product highlights Helps improve strength Alleviates joint pain Has nourishing properties

AVP Kayyanyadi Coconut Oil Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Avp Kayyanyadi Coconut Oil Bot AVP

The oil can help darken and nourish the hair It may aid in preventing greying in hair

MRP : INR 165

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