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Ayurvedic medicine online

ayurvit multivitamin for Bottle of  30 QTY
4.4 ★
Ayurvit Multivitamin For Bottl DEEP AYURVEDA

Ayurvit | Vegan Capsule

MRP : INR 303
Sri Sri Tattva Sandhimitra Vati  A Pain Reliever 500 mg Bottle of 60 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Sandhimitra Vat Sri Sri Tattva

Relieves body aches Helps relax the muscles Rejuvenates the body Does not cause side effects

MRP : INR 180
Ferrum Phosphoricum12x Bottle of 25 GM
4.5 ★
Ferrum Phosphoricum12x Bottle SBL

Ferrum Phosphoricum, often referred to as Ferrum Phos or Ferrum Phosphate, is a homoeopathic remedy

MRP : INR 115
Liv 52 Oral Drops Himalaya
4.5 ★
Liv 52 Oral Drops Himalaya Himalaya

Liv.52 Drops contains Caper Bush (Himsra) and Chicory (Kasani). Himsra is a potent hepatoprotective,

MRP : INR 160
Panchamrut Parpati 10 gm by Dhootapapeshwar
4.3 ★
Panchamrut Parpati 10 Gm By Dh Dhootpapeshwar

Panchamrut Parpati 10 Gm By Dhootapapeshwar : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 160
OM KIDNEY CARE ARK Bottle of  450 ML
4 ★
Om Kidney Care Ark Bottle Of OM


MRP : INR 300
Sri Sri Tattva Goamruth Arka Bottle of 500 ML
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Goamruth Arka B Sri Sri Tattva

Helps in treating oedema and chronic obstructive jaundice Helps to reduce and treat piles, ano-recta

MRP : INR 120
Capsule Respikalp 30
4.3 ★
Capsule Respikalp 30 Pravek Kalp

Respikalp Capsule helps in clearing nasal blockage and discharge during various allergic and no

MRP : INR 160
Unjha Nityanand Ras Bottle of 40 Tablet
4 ★
Unjha Nityanand Ras Bottle Of UNJHA

Unjha Nityanand Ras For Elephantiasis, Filiarisis, Reduces Mild to High Temperature, Pain and Itchin

MRP : INR 92
Sri Sri Tattva Trayodashanga Bottle of 30 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Trayodashanga B Sri Sri Tattva

Helps improve joint flexibility Removes toxins from the body Relieves neck stiffness Helps manage ba

MRP : INR 120
Nagarjuna Aswagandhaadi Lehyam Bottle of 500 GM
4 ★
Nagarjuna Aswagandhaadi Lehyam Nagarjuna

NAGARJUNA Ashwagandhaadi Lehyam

MRP : INR 300
Liv 52 Oral Drops Himalaya
4.6 ★
Liv 52 Oral Drops Himalaya Himalaya

Liv.52 Drops contains Caper Bush (Himsra) and Chicory (Kasani). Himsra is a potent hepatoprotective,

MRP : INR 160
Patanjali kesh kanti Anti Dandruff Hair cleanser Bottle of 180 ML
4 ★
Patanjali Kesh Kanti Anti Dand Patanjali Divya

Reduces dryness. Control dandruff & hair fall. Improves hair shine and keep the crown lustrous.

MRP : INR 130
Suvarnamakshik Bhasma By Dhootapapeshwar
4.4 ★
Suvarnamakshik Bhasma By Dhoot Dhootpapeshwar

Suvarnamakshik Bhasma by Dhootapapeshwar: Ayurvedic mineral formulation for maintaining healthy iron

MRP : INR 86
Maharishi Ayurveda Kanakasava Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Maharishi Ayurveda Kanakasava Maharishi Ayurveda

Kanakasava by Maharishi Ayurveda is an ayurvedic medicine used for respiratory diseases. It is also

MRP : INR 140
Kanth Amrit Syrup Bottle of 30 Tablet
4.6 ★
Kanth Amrit Syrup Bottle Of 30 Neelkanth Medi Point

Irritating & Allergic Asthmatic Cough,Give Relives From Daily Pollution & Allergic Cough

MRP : INR 90
4 ★
Sitaram Ayurveda Aravindasavam Sitaram Ayurveda

A holistic recipe for pediatric help and well-being.

MRP : INR 100
Kofol Chewable tablet by Charak
4.6 ★
Kofol Chewable Tablet By Chara Charak

Kofol Chewable Tablet By Charak : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

Nagarjuna Dashamoola Hareethaki Lehyam Jar of 300 GM
4 ★
Nagarjuna Dashamoola Hareethak Nagarjuna

Key benefits/uses of Nagarjuna Dashamoola Hareethaki Lehyam : - Used in the treatment of Chronic inf

MRP : INR 120
Bipha Somna Tablets
4.4 ★
Bipha Somna Tablets Bipha Ayurveda

Somna tablets are herbal formulations that help overcome symptoms and problems related to anxiety, m

MRP : INR 580
4 ★
Sitaram Ayurveda Balarishtam B Sitaram Ayurveda

Pacifies the dryness, brittleness, and weakness brought about by deranged vata in the body

MRP : INR 130
Swadeshi Kesari Kauff Madhu Jar Jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Swadeshi Kesari Kauff Madhu Ja Swadeshi Ayurved

Swadeshi Kaseri Kauffmadhu is useful for the treatment of respiratory ailments like dry cough, asthm

MRP : INR 120
INR 112
Unjha Dhatri Lauh Bottle of 40 Tablet
4 ★
Unjha Dhatri Lauh Bottle Of 40 UNJHA

Unjha Dhatri Lauhused for Antacid, Stomach Pain, Acidity, Colic, Constipation, Gastritis etc.

MRP : INR 98
Dhootapapeshwar PANCHAMRITA PARPATI Jar of 10 GM
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Panchamrita Pa Dhootpapeshwar

It is an ayurvedic health supplement It is a dietary supplement that provides digestive system care

MRP : INR 179

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