Enhances general health Boosts metabolism Strengthens vigour Improves sexual health
May reduce symptoms of bacterial and viral diseases Effective in case of vata and kapha dosha May as
Improves the strength, vitality and power of the body Helps in providing relief from anaemia and jau
It may reduce skin disorders like acne, pimples and leprosy Effective in dealing with indigestion, a
Shodhit shilajit helps maintain male sexual wellness It prevents nocturnal seminal emission and prev
Krishna's Giloy juice is a daily tonic with numerous health benefits.
The Krishna's Herbal & Ayurveda Papaya Leaf Juice contains pure extracts of papaya leaf with all the
Ayurvedic Syrup for Support Overall Thyroid Wellness & Hormonal Health
Diseases of mouth and teeth etc.
Promotes Physical Wellness Complete body nourishment supplement Improves Endurance and Performance H
Genaeral weakness, develpos strength and vitality on daily intake etc.
Baidyanath Moti Pishti, a classical Ayurvedic medicine. Crafted from Rose Flower juice, Moti Pishti
Indicated in vomiting, rickets & calcium deficiency during infancy.
Promotes sexual wellness Improves stamina Provides strength and energy Balances vata and pitta
Made with herbal and mineral ingredients Acts as an aphrodisiac to improve the sexual health of men
Discover the potent healing properties of Baidyanath (Jhansi) Yogendra Ras with Gold, a remarkable A
Cough, Abdominal problems in children,Provides energy and calcium to the Growing Children.
Acts as an alterative and stimulant. Indicated in sexual & general debility, cough, phthisis, aphrod
A strong immune system shields the entire body against detrimental pathogen and prevents the occurre
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