Vata ailments associated with numbess and pain, sarvangavata etc.
Promotes comfort of eyes, ear and head and prevent catarrh etc.
Vaatavikaras, Pakshaghatam etc.
Head ache, suppuration of ears,dental troubles etc. Gives coolness to head and eyes etc.
Vatashonita, burning sensation, catarrh and allied troubles etc.
diseases of the mouth, specially in dental troubles etc.
Diseases of mouth and teeth etc.
Back ache, consumption, leuchorrhoea etc. This is taken generally by all women after delivery etc.
Spermatorrhoea, impotence etc. Rejuvenative etc.
Dysentery, Diaarrhoea etc.
Dry cough, emaciation, raktapittam etc.
Palatable purgative etc.
Cough, asthma, emaciation, hiccough, fever, gulma, piles, hridroga, nasal catarrh etc. If consumed d
Emaciation, Th nourishes the body and develops strength and vitality on daily intake etc.
Emaciation, cough, asthma etc. Nourishes the body and develops strength and vitality quickly etc
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