Trauma ,Injuries
Calcarea Phosphorica, also known as Calcium Phosphate, is a homeopathic remedy commonly used in bioc
Arvindasava is asava in ayurvedic formulation tonic for children in case of rickets, diarrhea,
Planet Ayurveda Chandraprabha Vati is a classical ayurvedic medicine prescribed in ancient ayurveda
Regulates Cardiovascular functions
Dhanvantar Taila is an ayurvedic medicated oil for Vata disorders. It can be used internally and ext
It is useful in general discomfort and sense of lameness in the body.
Triphala Guggulu tablet helps flush out intestinal worms and aids in weigth management
Helpful in sexual, mental and physical debility Has a rejuvenating action Useful for anti-str
The phytochemical constituents in ashwagandha help boost immunity as well as enhance the brain’s c
For calcium deficiency, rickets, nausea, and vomiting
Product highlights Contains natural ingredients Suitable for daily use May support overall vitality
Kidney Stones & Gout
For Eczema and Lichen Planus
Key benefits/uses of Nagarjuna Dashamoola Hareethaki Lehyam : - Used in the treatment of Chronic inf
Organic Jatamansi Powder (Nardostachys)
Helps relieve cough and common cold
Helps treat sore throat, cough and cold
Aids in erectile dysfunction and increases the libido Helps in enhancing sexual strength and stamina
Immune Support Amino Acid
Patanjali Moosli Pak is an ayurvedic formulation that is specifically made to enhance physical stren
Soaps play an important role in the releif of Eczema / Dermatitis / Skin Infections as they pro
It Is An Excellent Tonic To Reduces Stress And Increases Energy Of Both Body & Mind, Gives Strength
Maharishi Ayurveda Kasni Syrup is the ayurvedic product which offers a natural solution to help and
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