Digestive And Useful in Indigestion
General Debility,Anorexia
The formulation is effective in hyperacidity It assists in the treatment of anemia and jaundice It p
May prevent asthma,tuberculosis and other related issues May improve the respiratory health May bala
Constipation, Lumbago, Anorexia.
Acts well in Gastro-Enteritis, Gastritis, Heart Burn, Indigestion, Helps To Lower The Pitta Levels I
Grahani, dysentery,indigestion etc.
Dairrhea Weak metabolism Weak intestine Dysentery
Constipation Indigestion Feeling of fullness Abdominal discomfort Loss of appetite
Ensures proper functioning of liver Helps improve your overall well-being Maintains healthy spleen
Improves appetite Reduces gas formation Relieves abdominal and gastric pain
Balchatur syrup regularizes the immunity system in child, improves digestion power. It helps to grow
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