Helps to relieve the problems related to digestive system
Balanced Kapha and pitta dosha Useful for blood disorders Supports digestive health Has antioxidant
Constipation Useful laxative in patients with piles, Also during the postoperative period of Anorect
Helps digests ama dosha (accumulated toxins) Manages indigestion and flatulence Promotes appetite
Dhanvantari Audumbar Avleh is a complete Ayurvedic Product. It is useful and beneficial for Hyperaci
Dyspepsia,Gas,Abdominal Disorders
Abdominal pain,Acidity
Diarrhoea,Colic,Abdominal disorders,Acidity
Pulmonary Tuberculosis,Anaemia,Sprue
Acidity,Vomiting , Pitta Disorders
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