Indigestion, Emaciation, Fever, Rhinitis, Anemia, Flatulence, Constipation
Lumbago due to constipation, Indigestion, Anorexia
Skin diseases, Osteoarthritis, Chronic Fever, Anemia, Hemorrhoids etc
Poly urea, Urinary incontinence etc
It is also useful in cases of edema due to liver disorders or heart diseases, fever, cough, and asth
# Primerly use for the treatment of anemia # Use for inflammatory conditions like myxedema, ascites
Skin diseases, Rheumatic disorders, Osteoarthritis etc
# Remedies of asthma symptoms # Treats menstrual cramps # Relieves anxiety # Cure high fever # E
Emaciation, Intermittent Fever, Abdominal pain, General debility.
Fever, Vomiting, Burning sensation, Excess thirst etc.
Cough, Fever, Head-ache and Rheumatic conditions associated with pain.
Cough, Breathlessness,Rhinitis, Hoarseness of sound and Tonsillitis.
All type of Fevers like low grade Fever, Intermittent Fever etc
Cough, Cold, Fever, Respiratory problems
Intermittent Fever, Malarial Fever, Indigestion, etc
Fevers, vatasonitam etc. Mild laxative.
Anaemia with oedema, fever, cough, and dysponea etc.
Oedema, Fever, Cough, Breathlessness and Anaemia
Anorexia, Emesis, Fever, Jaundice, Skin disease caused by Kapha and Pitta dosa, Poison
Chronic Fever, High grade Fever due to vitiation of all Dosha
Increases white blood cells Helps to increase both blood platelet counts Stimulates the immune syste
Normalises the hyperperistaltic movement of the intestine Useful as a digestive and antiflatulent to
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