Paittika vatarakta, rakta pitta, insanity, burning sensation,intermittent fever etc.
Skin diseases, itching, chest and bladder aches, vitiligo, intermittent fever etc.
Anaemia with oedema, fever, cough, and dysponea etc.
Fever, Back pain, Joint pain etc.
All types of jwara,especially vatha pitha Jwara. It can be used as a broad based Spectrum medicine f
Fever, alcoholism, vomiting, swooning, giddiness, thirst, jaundice, rakta pitta etc.
Fever, thirst, vomiting etc.
Fever, vatasonitam etc. Mild laxative.
Fevers, vatasonitam etc. Mild laxative.
Skin ailments, fever, itching, vomiting etc.
Cold, cough, rhinitis, dyspnoea, loss of appetite, kapha ailments etc.
Vomiting related to Vatakapha, grahani, chest pain, fever, stomach ache, cold, cough, asthma etc.
Catarrh, fever, heaviness and headache etc.
Fever, anaemia, skin diseases, diabetes, worms, piles etc.
Itches, fever ,vomiting and loss of appetite. Specially indicated in skin diseases due to any poison
Dysentery, haemorrhoids, grahani,chronic fever etc.
Asthma, cough , chronic fever ,raktapitta etc.
All types of fever, malaria, indigestion etc.
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