Unjha Nityanand Ras For Elephantiasis, Filiarisis, Reduces Mild to High Temperature, Pain and Itchin
Helpful in Chronic and Recurrent Infections, Fever, Gout, Liver Disorders and Common Cold.
It may help manage thyroid and tonsils It can relieve cold and congestion It may help relieve headac
For Sneezing, Watery eyes & Bodyache with Allergies
Unjha Vasant Malti Ras Suvarna Yukta Helps Reduce Mild to High Temperature, Cough, Cold, Bronchitis,
A Flu O Cil Tablet By Dhootpapeshwar : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation
P Count Tablets By Gufic : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation
C Pill Tablets Sdh : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation
Fever, Vomiting, Burning sensation, Excess thirst etc.
Key benefits/uses of Nagarjuna Thraiphala Ghrutham : - Used for snehakarma in the treatment of tumor
Useful in fever, cough, cold etc. Detoxes your body Helps deal with sweating
Jayamangal Rasa Suvarnakalpa Preimum Quality Ayurvedic medicine for fevers
Guloochyadi Kashaya Tablet By Vaidyaratman : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation
Guduchi Giloy Ghanbati is an Ayurvedic formulation...
Hoarseness,Cold,Cough,Throat Soothner
Reduces headache Lessens symptoms of cough and cold Reduces congestion of the chest Provides soothin
Relieves nasal and chest congestion. It clears sinuses. It is beneficial in the management of inflam
It is a unique formulation contains SIMARUBA (Quassia excelsa) which has been proved to have anti ma
Beneficial in dealing with congenital heart diseases Reduces the frequency of respiratory infections
Helps deal with respiratory disorders Gives relief from dry cough Can also be used for minor conditi
Alleviates cough and cold Helps maintain cholesterol levels Supports brain functioning Rich in anti
Caters to minor issues of flu or fever Supports overall immunity of the body Reduce inflammation Sup
Jai Mangal Rasa With Gold tablet is an ayurvedic formulation that can effectively deal with chronic
SBL's Oleum Jacoris Aselli Trituration Tablet is a homoeopathic remedy focusing on liver and pancrea
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