Rheumatic diseases especially which affect the lower part of the body, Varicose Vein
Infertility, Post natal care, 20 types of uterine diseases, Cough, Asthma, Fever, Debility, Anaemia,
# Use for the treatment of bronchial asthma, wheezing, respiratory ailment, hiccups, indigestion, ch
Cough, Breathlessness, General debility, Anorexia, Rhinitis, Wheezing.
All types of Cuts and Wounds
All types of Dermatological disorders like Eczema, Chronic sinus ulcers, Fistula etc
Foot crack, Itching due to aggravation of Pita and Kapha
Skin diseases, liver diseases, fever
All types of eye diseases caused by "Pita" like pterygium, cataract
Vigorvolt for Men is a natural supplement designed to boost stamina, balance libido, and support ove
Chyavanaprasham is a revered Ayurvedic formulation known for its extensive health benefits and rejuv
V.T. Powder by Vaidyaratnam is a specialized Ayurvedic formulation designed to effectively treat var
Fatigue, Anaemia General Tonic in Convalescence
Immune Thresholding
Rich in Vitamin C No Added Sugar Immunity Booster Vegan Health Supplement
Dry cough, emaciation, raktapittam etc.
Astigatavaatam, vataraktam etc
Genaeral weakness, develpos strength and vitality on daily intake etc.
Premeha Chikista etc.
Spermatorrhoea burning micturition etc.
Purgative in pitta based ailments and toxic conditions etc.
Lootaavisham etc.
Spasticityof Limbs and Muscle cramps
Disease of lower limb especially for Sciatica, Lumbago.
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