Emaciation, numbness, contraction etc.
Indraluptam, darunakam etc.
Nasal polyp etc.
Vaatasonitam, catarrh etc.
Vata ailments, vatashonita etc.
Enriched with antioxidants Helps build immunity Supports cardiovascular health Maintains a healthy
Dry cough, emaciation, raktapittam etc.
Gout, Arthritis
Astigatavaatam, vataraktam etc
Back ache, vata ailments etc. Mild laxative etc.
Vata ailments, insanity, cough etc. Gives nourishment and strength to the body etc.
Vata ailments associated with numbess and pain, sarvangavata etc.
Insanity, demoniacs, epilepsy, lunacy in children etc.
Promotes comfort of eyes, ear and head and prevent catarrh etc.
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