United States

Ayurvedic Medicines for gynaecology & fertility

Jantayus CYST Veda Syrup Sugar free Pack of 2 Bottle of 300 ML
4 ★
Jantayus Cyst Veda Syrup Sugar JANTAYU PANCHGAVYAM

Lipoma Tumors of uterus and breast Fibroids Breast swelling Inflammantion of ovary CYST

MRP : INR 346
Dabur Dhatupaushtika Churna Jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Dabur Dhatupaushtika Churna Ja DABUR

Helps restores vitality

MRP : INR 300
Merylact Granules Bottle of  250 GM
4.3 ★
Merylact Granules Bottle Of 2 VASU

Better lactation-Merry motherhood

MRP : INR 299
AVP Phalasarpis Bottle of 200 GM
4 ★
Avp Phalasarpis Bottle Of 200 AVP

Product highlights Has aphrodisiac properties Supports muscular health Protects foetus

MRP : INR 200
4 ★
Vaidyaratnam Triphaladi Ghruth Vaidyaratnam

To avoid difficulties during pregnancy and reduces pain during delivery, Helps to improve foetus wei

MRP : INR 240
Guduchi Satva  with PRAVAL BHASMA
4.5 ★
Guduchi Satva With Praval Bha Tansukh

Guduchi Satva With Praval Bhasma: Boosts immunity and overall wellness with Guduchi Satva by Praval

MRP : INR 690
AVP dasamoola jeera kadyarishtam Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Avp Dasamoola Jeera Kadyarisht AVP

Dasamoolajeerakadyarishtam is a Beneficial Formula for Postnatal Period, Promotes Faster Recovery, S

MRP : INR 150
Shatavari Churna  Bottle of  100 GM
4.2 ★
Shatavari Churna Bottle Of 1 Tansukh

Shatavari Churna by Tansukh 

MRP : INR 180
Maharishi RESTON SYRUP Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Maharishi Reston Syrup Bottle Maharishi Ayurveda

Restone is a ayurvedic product that is especially designed for a woman. It produces homeostasis and

MRP : INR 350
INR 265
Soubhagya Sunthi Pak Baidyanath
4.5 ★
Soubhagya Sunthi Pak Baidyanat Baidhyanath

Soubhagya Sunthi Pak Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 150
Masanumasik 8th Month Tablet Strip of  60 Tablet
4.2 ★
Masanumasik 8th Month Tablet S Dr Vasishth

Masanumasik 8th Month Tablet (For Pregnant Women)

MRP : INR 900
Masanumasik 5th Month Tablet Strip of  60 Tablet
4.4 ★
Masanumasik 5th Month Tablet S Dr Vasishth

Masanumasik 5th Month Tablet (For Pregnant Women)

MRP : INR 900
4 ★
Vyas Prajasthapan Mahakasay Bo Vyas Ayurveda

1. The substances which help in conception by eliminating the defects which hinder the birth of a ch

MRP : INR 390
TFN 34  Tablets
4.4 ★
Tfn 34 Tablets Apex

Tfn 34 Tablets : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 925
4 ★
Kamdev Ghrita Soft Gel Capsule Navjeewan

Navjeewan Kamdev Ghrita is a traditional Ayurvedic ghee formulation designed to enhance vitality, su

MRP : INR 660
Masanumasik 9th Month Tablet Strip Of 60 Tablet
4.3 ★
Masanumasik 9th Month Tablet S Dr Vasishth

Masanumasik 9th Month Tablet (For Pregnant Women)

MRP : INR 900
Masanumasik 2nd Month Tablet Strip of  60 Capsule
4.5 ★
Masanumasik 2nd Month Tablet S Dr Vasishth

Masanumasik 2nd Month Tablet (For Pregnant Women)

MRP : INR 900
Unjha Sundari Sanjivani Kalp Bottle of 450 ML
4 ★
Unjha Sundari Sanjivani Kalp B UNJHA

Unjha Sundari Sanjivani Kalp helps in menstruation related gynecological issues.

MRP : INR 387
4.4 ★
Panchasava Baidhyanath

Panchasava Baidyanath : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 160
Cytocruel Capsules by Ayukalp
4.2 ★
Cytocruel Capsules By Ayukalp Ayukalp

Immune Support Amino Acid

MRP : INR 1250
Shatavari Womens Wellness Tablet Himalaya
4.2 ★
Shatavari Womens Wellness Tabl Himalaya

Shatavari Womens Wellness Tablet Himalaya is a pure herb extract of Shatavari (Asparagus racemo

MRP : INR 275
Prataplankeshwar Rasa by Dhootapapeshwar
4.4 ★
Prataplankeshwar Rasa By Dhoot Dhootpapeshwar

Prataplankeshwar Rasa by Dhootapapeshwar is an effective ayurvedic formulation that is effective in

MRP : INR 92
Zenius Again Vergin Vaginal Tightening Cream for Women Jar of  50 GM
4 ★
Zenius Again Vergin Vaginal Ti Zenius India

Zenius Again Vergin, Vagina Tightening Cream is the best herbal solution if you are facing issu

MRP : INR 999
INR 549
M2 Tone Syrup By Charak
4.5 ★
M2 Tone Syrup By Charak Charak

M2 Tone Syrup By Charak : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 223

Best selling online Ayurvedic medicines