Vata ailments specifically in Nanatmaja types etc.
Spermatorrhoea, impotence etc. Rejuvenative etc.
Acts as an alterative and stimulant. Indicated in sexual & general debility, cough, phthisis, aphrod
Helps to combat general debility, weakness in the body and long-lasting skin conditions It rejuvenat
Indicated in vomiting, rickets & calcium deficiency during infancy.
Herbo mineral supplement Sperm count enhancer Night fall Promote strength
Promote strength, power and stamina Enhance sexual drive Boost immunity and energy Helps to increase
Testovridhi uplifts testosterone levels and brings out the best physical performance. Made with 100%
Shakti Mantra Capsule is made from a unique blend of powerful Ayurvedic herbs and natural ingredient
Grahani, mandaagni etc.
Weakness,Heat Diseases,Pulmonary Tuberculosis,Nerve diorders
Nutritious,Penile Erection,Energetic
Tooth,Gums&Vocal Disorders
Metrorrhagia,Leucorrhoea,Other vaginal diseases
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