Reduces the risk of urinary disorders Helps in blood formation Useful for chronic respiratory diseas
Diabetes mellitus
Bladder stone,urine retention
Abdominal,Cardiac,Vaginal,Hepatic and dermic diseases
Chandanasava is useful for those suffering from kidney stones, painful urination, and hematuria or b
Scanty Urine, Oedema
Polyuria,Burning Urination&Urine Disorders
Swadeshi Trikatu Churna is an Ayurvedic powder and it has both medicinal and dietary herbs. The acti
Corrects sexual disorders and disability Corrects premature ejaculation and nightfall Relieves painf
The Swadeshi Gokshuradi Guggulu contains Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) and Shuddha Guggulu as key i
Swadeshi Punarnava Churna is an Ayurvedic powder and it conatins Punarnava, Harad, Patha, Devdaru, B
Swadeshi Punarnavadi Kwath contains Rasna, Javasa, Bariyara mool, Arandmool, Devdaru, Kachoor, Bach,
Nourishes skin Pacifies Pitta dosha in the body Useful in urinary tract infections
Helps maintain blood sugar levels It is used to aid treatment of fever Helps keep the liver healthy
Improves digestion and aids in food absorption Can help prevent kidney stone formation Removes toxin
All types of Uro-genital disorders, Cough, Breathlessness, Jaundice etc
Anorexia, Indigestion, Hemorrhoids, Low back pain, Abdominal pain, Abdominal distention, Urinary obs
Helps in reducing dyspepsia, heartburn and indigestion Effective in dealing with various liver disor
Effective formulation to deal with indigestion and diarrhoea May reduce all types of fever May reduc
Tansukh Pashan Vajra Ras Effective in Urinary problems
Helps assuage pain caused by urinary tract infection Assists in burning sensation experienced while
Indicated in mild to high temperatures It is an ideal remedy for all type of fevers and malaria Used
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