An ayurvedic formulation for providing relief from cold and cough Helps in maintaining respiratory h
Multani Is Yog Ratnakar’s Ayurvedic Remedy Which Is Beneficial In Multiple Issues Of Human Conditi
Chandanasava is useful for those suffering from kidney stones, painful urination, and hematuria or b
Jaundice Loss of appetite Chronic and acute hepatitis Adjuvant to hepatotoxic drugs Fatty liver dise
Effective formulation to deal with indigestion and diarrhoea May reduce all types of fever May reduc
Multani Rohitkarishta Is Ayurvedic Remedy Usefull In Multiple Cases. It Can Be Found Helpful In Abdo
Urinary tract infections, Respiratory infections, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Leucorrhea.
Spleen enlargement, anaemia and ascitis etc.
Enhance vitality with Bada Gokhru, a herbal supplement combining the benefits of Gokhru and five oth
This rasa is effective in Spleen and Liver disorder, Dyspepsia, Leukorrhea, mental debility, cough-c
Ascities,Liver disorders,Laxative
Urinary Stone,Seminal Concretions
Polyuria,Burning Urination&Urine Disorders
Urinary Disorders,Weakness Leucorrhoea,Diabetes
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