Pulmonary Tuberculosis,Brain Disorders
Pulmonary Tuberculosis,Brain disorders
Mental Disorders,Vata-pitta disorders
Brain Disorders,pitta disorders
Nasal disorders,Headache,Atrophic Rhinitis
Headache etc.
Headache, insomnia, catarrh etc
All types of Headache, Toothache, Earache etc
Numbness due to Rheumatic and Neurological Problems
Mania, Dermatological ailments, Epilepsy and promotes Intelligence
It promotes Intelligence and Memory
Sarasvatharishta is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine, made up of natural herbs. Its 500ml bottle provides
Milk masala from Sri Sri tattva adds a flavour twist to everyday recipes. It is enriched with saffro
Medhya Rasayana is a potent Ayurvedic tonic composed of 8 unique herbs. This completely natural and
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