All types of Headache, Toothache, Earache etc
Bell's palsy, Convulsions due to the derangement of halics - vata
Bronchitis, Haemoptysis, Brain tonic and general Debility
Sexual debility, Emaciation, memory enhancer
Brahmi Thailam by Vaidyaratnam is a traditional Ayurvedic stress relief oil renowned for its calming
Gandha Thailam Soft Gel Capsule is specifically formulated to address various neurological and muscu
101 Ksheerabala Soft Gel Capsule is a specialized Ayurvedic supplement formulated to address a wide
Improves memory power and Intelligence especially for Infants
Epilepsy, Weakness of memory, Mania etc
All types of Rheumatic diseases especially affected in the lower extremities, Lumbago, Varicose vein
Disease of head, Trigeminal neuralgia, Migraine, Sinusitis, Toothache, Night blindness.
Headache, lnsomnia,Amnesia
Sciatica, Lumbago, Varicose veins, Mental disorders, etc.
All types of Head-ache
Neurological disorders like Paralysis, Tremors, Frozen shoulders, Muscle wasting, Sciatica, Tinnitus
All types of Rheumatic disorders, Neurological debility, Hypertension, Insomnia and Rheumatoid arthr
80 types of Voto ragas, Neurological debility, Hypertension, Insomnia.
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