Kumarkalyan Rasa Suvarnakalpa for buiding immunity in child
Inflee Tablets are an immunomodulating and boosting product that protects the child from b
Helps preserve and maintain the tender skin of the baby
It is widely used as a general tonic for children. It promotes growth, immunity and appetite in chil
Suvarnaprashan Drops - An Ayurvedic Ritual to Boost Immunity in Kids
Vacha churna is known to manage speech disorders due to its Vata balancing and Medhaya actions.
Erand Tail Tansukh : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation
Arvindasava is asava in ayurvedic formulation tonic for children in case of rickets, diarrhea,
Moisturises and nourishes the skin
As prescribed by the physician. Expiry: 5 years from MFG.
Lakshadi oil is an Ayurvedic herbal oil, used in fever and related bodyache. It is used f
Maha Swarna Yog for Suvarnaprashan Maha Swarna Brahma Yog is a dispersible tablet prepared for Sw
Boosts natural immunity of children Improves overall and spiritual well-being of children
Livomyn Drop By Charak : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation
A complete liver tonic for Sluggish liver or liver malfunctioning. For symptoms of Dyspepsia, loss o
Garbhapal Ras Tablet is used in: Habitual Abortion, Miscarriage Morning sickness Fever, Headache, Na
Natural Ubtan Powder Tan Removal For Baby / Kids
Fights general weakness and fatigue
Helpful in Anemia due to: Iron deficiency, nutritional deficiency
Gentle Baby Body Wash
An excellent medicine for diseases of children is ‘Shishu Bharan Rasa’. Kumarkalyan Rasa
A gentle, quick-absorbing oil with the bark of four Ficus and other botanicals is blended in sesame
SBL Silicea Dilution 1000 CH or 1 M is a homoeopathic solution which is also known as pure flin
Reinforces bronchial health and function
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