Effective in Gout, Leprosy, Piles, Dyspepsia, Boil, Anomalies of urinary secretions, Fistula, Inflam
This tablet is effective in both types of Piles, Non-Bleeding and Bleeding. This is also effective i
It is effective in U.T.I., Retention of urine, Anaemia, Piles, Physical debility etc. Dosage : A dos
This medicine is effective in Chronic Constipation, Gastralgia, Flatulence, Colic, Piles, Rheumatism
Manage piles, diabetes, fistulas and digestive problem
It might be useful in arthritis and gout Reduces uric acid levels Increases appetite
Reduces joint pain and helps prevent skin infections Manages piles, fistula, ulcers etc. Posseses bl
It might be effective against piles and fissures Relieves indigestion and constipation Regulates bow
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