All skin diseases,Kapha based ailments,itching,leucoderma,and wounds.
Fungal infection, Skin ailments etc.
Dandruff,Cooling for head, Insomnia, hair falling etc.
Skin ailments, dushta vranam, nadi vranam etc.
Premature grey hair, head ache, insomnia etc.
Viper and cobra poisoning, ulcers, skin ailments etc.
Reputed in growth of hair, gives comfort to head and eyes etc.
Has antibacterial properties Aids digestion Supports skin health
Dandruff, head ache, hair fall etc.
Dandruff, itching on scalp etc.
Dandruff, head ache, hair falling etc.Gives natural colour and beauty to hairs etc.
Dandruff, head ache, hair falling etc.Gives natural colour and beauty to hairs.
Skin ailments, dadru etc.
Very effective in growth of hair and promotes comfort for eyes and ear. Useful in Nasal Conjection,
Glowing Skin & Healthy hair | Rich Source Of Vitamin C | Organic & Natural Juice for Immunity
It might alleviate skin issues Helps with bacterial infections Supports the overall health
Ayurvedic Formulation Antidandruff action Prevent Premature graying of hair Prevent Dullness and Dry
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