United States

Ayurvedic Medicines for skin care

Natrum Muriaticum6X Bottle of 25 GM
4.2 ★
Natrum Muriaticum6x Bottle Of SBL

Natrum Muriaticum, also known as Natrum Mur or Nat. Mur, is a homoeopathic remedy that is commonly u

MRP : INR 115
Malathyadi Kera Thailam 200 ml by Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal
4.5 ★
Malathyadi Kera Thailam 200 Ml kottakkal

Kottakal Malathyadi Kera Thailam is an ayurvedic Syrup that is helpful is useful Alopecia Areata, Da

MRP : INR 165
Utrinil Capsule By Zeotic
4.4 ★
Utrinil Capsule By Zeotic ZOETIC

UTRINIL CAPSULE by Zoetic: Ayurvedic herbal capsules for maintaining urinary tract health in women.

MRP : INR 60
Dazzle BS Tablets Vasu
4.4 ★
Dazzle Bs Tablets Vasu VASU

With a novel & safe approach in Osteoarthritis, Dazzle BS consists primarily of herb, Boswellia

MRP : INR 540
Sarivadyasava By Dhootapapeshwar
4.5 ★
Sarivadyasava By Dhootapapeshw Dhootpapeshwar

Sarivadyasava By Dhootapapeshwar : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 216
Purim Tablets
4.4 ★
Purim Tablets Himalaya

Purim Tablets : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 150
Panchanimbadi Vati By Vyas
4.5 ★
Panchanimbadi Vati By Vyas Vyas

Panchanimbadi Vati by Vyas is treating various skin conditions like acne, pimples, psoriasis, e

MRP : INR 235
Burcalvin Soft Gel Capsule
4.4 ★
Burcalvin Soft Gel Capsule AVN

Burcalvin Soft Gel Capsule : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 690
Neelibringadi Kera Thailam Kairali
4.6 ★
Neelibringadi Kera Thailam Kai Kairali

Neelibringadi Kera Thailam most effective Ayurvedic hair oil for multiple hair problems, especially

MRP : INR 251
Nimbamritadi Eranda Tailam 200ml by Kottakkal
4.4 ★
Nimbamritadi Eranda Tailam 200 kottakkal

Nimbamritadi Eranda Tailam 200ml By Kottakkal : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 185
Dabur Erand Castor Tail
4.3 ★
Dabur Erand Castor Tail DABUR

 Erand / Castor Tail

MRP : INR 66
Lukoskin Liquid Bottle of  100 ML
4.4 ★
Lukoskin Liquid Bottle Of 100 AIMIL

Lukoskin Liquid is a polyherbal formulation that is beneficial for skin conditions. Helps

MRP : INR 610
Gokhru Kadha 450ML Tansukh
4.3 ★
Gokhru Kadha 450ml Tansukh Tansukh

Gokhru Kadha 450ML Tansukh has antioxidant properties, may boost your libido, reduce blood sugar lev

MRP : INR 195
Paripathadi Kadha Sandu
4.6 ★
Paripathadi Kadha Sandu Sandu

Paripathadi Kadha Sandu is best for skin with skin eruptions. It is a trusted formula for burni

MRP : INR 250
AVP Mahathikthaka Gritham Jar of 150 GM
4 ★
Avp Mahathikthaka Gritham Jar AVP

Promotes skin health

MRP : INR 215
Aragwadham Kashayam 200 Ml Nagarjuna
4.3 ★
Aragwadham Kashayam 200 Ml Nag Nagarjuna

Aragwadham Kashayam 200 ml Nagarjuna - Ayurvedic herbal decoction for digestive health, made adherin

MRP : INR 130
Eve Fresh Cream Tube Of 25 Gm
4.3 ★
Eve Fresh Cream Tube Of 25 Gm Dr JRK

Eve Fresh Cream By Dr JRK It may  helps to get i clear skin,blemishes, Hyperpigmentation, and P

MRP : INR 160
Panchtikta Kwath Churna Sachet of  100 GM
4.3 ★
Panchtikta Kwath Churna Sachet SN Herbals

Panchtikta Kwath Churna is an ayurvedic formulated churan that is beneficial for people of all

MRP : INR 240
Agasthya Rasayanam Nagarjuna
4.5 ★
Agasthya Rasayanam Nagarjuna Nagarjuna

Agasthya Rasayanam Nagarjuna - Supports respiratory health and breathing comfort.

MRP : INR 210
Liposha Tablet
4.3 ★
Liposha Tablet Shahi

LIPOSHA Tablet - Promotes healthy lipid levels and cardiovascular well-being.

MRP : INR 180
Ayurveda Eladi Cream Kottakkal
4.6 ★
Ayurveda Eladi Cream Kottakkal kottakkal

Eladi Cream : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 70
Nimbadi Kashayam Bottle of  200 ML
4 ★
Nimbadi Kashayam Bottle Of 20 Nagarjuna

Nimbadi Kashayam is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of Pimp

MRP : INR 120
Trifgol Powder
4.4 ★
Trifgol Powder DABUR

Trifgol Powder contains Isabgol, Triphala as major ingredients. It acts as a highly effective colon

MRP : INR 190
Balaguluchyaadi Kashayam Nagarjuna
4.5 ★
Balaguluchyaadi Kashayam Nagar Nagarjuna

Balaguluchyaadi Kashayam Nagarjuna : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 100

Best selling online Ayurvedic medicines