Dr T Nirmala Devi
B A M S, D.Ayu.Panchakarma & Yoga.
"Ayurvedic Doctor
Panchakarma Specialist
Yoga instructor
Marma Therapist
Diet Consultant
Counseling services regards to health"
Ayurvedic Treatment for all type of Chronic diseases like Arthritis, Spinalcard disorders, Liver, Kidney, Lungs and Heart diseases and Metabolic disorders like Diabetes,B.P and Obesity etc.
Gynaec problems, Infertility problems ,Hormonal imbalance etc.
Panchakarma therapies along with medications
and related Yoga instructions to get rid of the diseases.
Dr.T.Nirmala got many Accrediations, she does lot of Social service and served many Charitable Institutions as and when required.
Served many Senior citizens who were use to suffer with Diabetes Type-1 & Type-2, Chronic Kidney Diseases,Chronic Diseases, Knee problems, Osteoarthritis, Rhumatoid arthritis, Chronic Asthma and all old age problems. Expert in handling Gyaenic problems, Few Younger software employs who suffer with Cervical and Lumbar Spondylitis she treated successfully.
General Medicine & Consulting | Infirtility | Panchkarma |
Special Diets |