Dr. Instant consultation carry total 50 plus years of practicing experience including 30 years of practicing experience in Government service. He has been posted in verious locations during his service as a Ayurvedic Medical Officer. During his practice he has treated many critical cases including Paralysis, Burn injuries, IBS ,Arthritis, Type1/Type2 Diabetes and sexual disorders. He has been associeted with many initiatives to spread Ayurveda benefits across the globe.
1. Medical Superintendent Of State Ayurvedic Pharmacy UP Gov
2. Drug Inspector for Ayuevedic Pharmacy.
1. In his 50 Years of ayurvedic cnsultation has treated more then 500 cases of diabetes successfully.
2. Has proven record of cntrolling the BP of Cardiac patients with High BP
3. He has successfully treated critical paralysis cases and burn injury cases successfully during his practice.
General Medicine & Consulting | Infirtility | Yoga & Meditation |
Special Diets | Naturopathy |