I am successfully running my ayurvedic panchkarma center since 12 yeras...
My specialization in infertility and all type of gynic disorders like PCOD,tube block ,fibroid, leucorrhoea, irregular period etc..
I treated all type of vat rog like sciatica, spondylosis, RA etc...
Skin diseases etc...
I have awarded by CM of chhtishgargh for free consultation occasion of his birthday...
I have awarded specialist in panchkarma vaidhya.....
I have nominated in Nayika award in chhattisgarh...
I have successfully treated many infertility cases...,many critical gynic disorders like PCOD,fibroid, leucorrhoea etc...
I have done certificate course in panchkarma ....
I have done certificate course in naadi pariksha..
Ex..vadhya in patanjali yogpeeth....
I present program in akashvaani related to gyneac problem, panchkarma,diet,life style disorders etc...
General Medicine & Consulting | Garbh Sanskar | Infirtility |
Panchkarma | Yoga & Meditation | Special Diets |