Dr Amit Chauhan has successfully treated many complicated cases of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease , Chronic Hyperacidity , Chronic Constipation , Type 2 Diabetes , hypothyroidism , Hyperthyroidism
Services Offered
General Medicine & Consulting
Why Sushain
Availability of 1000+ Doctors across the country
Specialists available for all major diseases
Video Consultation available in all the major languages spoken in India.
Clinic Consultation available in all major cities of India
End to End solution for health needs- Online Doctor, Digital Prescription, Medicines,
Diagnostics, Panchakarma, Follow-ups
No travel, time efficient video consultation
Free follow-up: you can take a free follow-up consultation within 7 days for any
How Consultation Works
How it works: Video Consultation
Select specialty
Choose from the listed verified doctors (Use filters for specific search)
Select the date and time
Pay and Book your appointment
Click on the link received over mail and SMS to join the call
How it works: In Clinic Consultation
Select your city and specialty
Choose from the listed verified doctors near your locality
Select the date and time
Pay and Book your appointment
Visit the clinic on scheduled date and time
Dr Amit Chauhan
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Convenience: Delivery of medicines at doorstep provides a convenient option to people as it saves time
and effort.
Authentic & Certified: Sushain procures its products from Authentic and Certified sources to ensure
patients get original products .
Prescription accuracy: Packaging excepts of Sushain ensure to mitigate prescription errors.