United States

Dr T Nirmala Devi

Kidney related diseases, Diabetes, Cardiac, Skin, Digestive and Gastro Problems, Liver related diseases, Ear Nose and Throat, Weight Management, Gynae and Fertility, Neuro, Panchkarma, Slipped Disc Backpain and Spine Problems, Paralysis, PCOD and UT Fibroid Kidney related diseases, Diabetes, Cardiac, Skin, Digestive and Gastro Problems, Liver related diseases, Ear Nose and Throat, Weight Management, Gynae and Fertility, Neuro, Panchkarma, Slipped Disc Backpain and Spine Problems, Paralysis, PCOD and UT Fibroid
Registration Number
Consultation Fee
INR 500 /-
Gurgaon, Haryana
Registration Number

Doctor's Intro

Dr T Nirmala Devi 
B A M S,  D.Ayu.Panchakarma & Yoga.

"Ayurvedic Doctor
Panchakarma Specialist
Yoga instructor
Marma Therapist
Diet Consultant
Counseling  services regards to health"

Ayurvedic Treatment for all type of Chronic diseases like Arthritis, Spinalcard disorders, Liver, Kidney, Lungs and Heart diseases and Metabolic disorders like Diabetes,B.P  and Obesity etc.
Gynaec problems, Infertility problems ,Hormonal imbalance etc.
Panchakarma therapies along with medications
and related Yoga instructions to get rid of the diseases.



Dr T Nirmala Devi has successfully treated many complicated cases of Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes , Hypertension , Chronic Asthma , Bronchiectasis , Fibroid , Backpain , Migrain , Osteoarthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , hypothyroidism , Hyperthyroidism , lumber spondylosis , Cervical Spondylosis , PCOD
Patient's Review
mkdogra ubhi
Ma'am is very caring and she diagnosed every problem of mine in detail. She listens so patiently and I recovered from my illness soon. She healed me and always motivated me always.

srivani telapolu
I have consulted Dr. Nirmala for back pain which I was suffering from for many weeks. She gave me panchakarma treatment which helped for rapid recovery…

Niveditha M.
Very Good Doctor
Appreciate the patient listening and detailed diagnosis of doctor. Started to get the results after the first visit. Overall satisfied with the treatment

satisfied with the treatment
Consulted for PCOD. Highly satisfied with the empathetical behavior.

Awards and Accreditations

Dr.T.Nirmala got many Accrediations, she does lot of Social service and served many Charitable Institutions as and when required. 

Success Story

Served many Senior citizens who were use to suffer with Diabetes Type-1 & Type-2, Chronic Kidney Diseases,Chronic Diseases, Knee problems, Osteoarthritis, Rhumatoid arthritis, Chronic Asthma and all old age problems. Expert in handling Gyaenic problems, Few Younger software employs who suffer with Cervical and Lumbar Spondylitis she treated successfully.

Services Offered
General Medicine & Consulting Infirtility Panchkarma
Special Diets
Why Sushain
  • Availability of 1000+ Doctors across the country
  • Specialists available for all major diseases
  • Video Consultation available in all the major languages spoken in India.
  • Clinic Consultation available in all major cities of India
  • End to End solution for health needs- Online Doctor, Digital Prescription, Medicines, Diagnostics, Panchakarma, Follow-ups
  • No travel, time efficient video consultation
  • Free follow-up: you can take a free follow-up consultation within 7 days for any clarification

How Consultation Works
How it works: Video Consultation

  • Select specialty
  • Choose from the listed verified doctors (Use filters for specific search)
  • Select the date and time
  • Pay and Book your appointment
  • Click on the link received over mail and SMS to join the call
How it works: In Clinic Consultation

  • Select your city and specialty
  • Choose from the listed verified doctors near your locality
  • Select the date and time
  • Pay and Book your appointment
  • Visit the clinic on scheduled date and time

Dr T Nirmala Devi


INR 500 /-