United States

Dr Mrinalini Gupta

Kidney related diseases, Diabetes, Cardiac, Skin, Arthritis, Piles, Digestive and Gastro Problems, Liver related diseases, Pediatric, General Medicine, Weight Management, Skin Care, Gynae and Fertility, Cancer, Neuro, Hormonal Imbalances, Slipped Disc Backpain and Spine Problems, Thyroid Kidney related diseases, Diabetes, Cardiac, Skin, Arthritis, Piles, Digestive and Gastro Problems, Liver related diseases, Pediatric, General Medicine, Weight Management, Skin Care, Gynae and Fertility, Cancer, Neuro, Hormonal Imbalances, Slipped Disc Backpain and Spine Problems, Thyroid
Registration Number
Consultation Fee
INR 500 /-
Chandigarh, Chandigarh
Registration Number

Doctor's Intro

I am Ayurveda practitioner with around 12+years of experience. I am Passionate to provide the benefits of ayurveda for the betterment of society through intellectual growth towards a disease free world. Tejasvi Ayurveda is a place to boost human health through  Ayurveda, yoga & diet. Harmless and a powerful ancient Indian technique which not only cures the ailment but also rejuvenate the entire immune system & make body ready to fight against diseases, setting a goal not to let people fall ill and to cure the diseases which are difficult to treat with modern medicines and have considerable adverse effects on human body. To focus on treating the root cause of the diseases to bring sustainable, long term relief without reoccurrence of any ailment and hence help people live a healthy and happy life. So, let's make the world happier.



Dr Mrinalini Gupta has successfully treated many complicated cases of Fibrosis , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Inflammatory Bowel Disease , lumber spondylosis , Cervical Spondylosis
Patient's Review
Deepak Kumar
Wonderfull Experience
I had stomach and digestion issues from many years. Was cured in just 15 days. Very good response and wonderful experience. Many thanks.

Ashwani Singh
Consulted for PCOD/PCOS
Very good result in PCOD. Got relieved in just 2 months


Services Offered
General Medicine & Consulting Infirtility Yoga & Meditation
Special Diets Naturopathy
Why Sushain
  • Availability of 1000+ Doctors across the country
  • Specialists available for all major diseases
  • Video Consultation available in all the major languages spoken in India.
  • Clinic Consultation available in all major cities of India
  • End to End solution for health needs- Online Doctor, Digital Prescription, Medicines, Diagnostics, Panchakarma, Follow-ups
  • No travel, time efficient video consultation
  • Free follow-up: you can take a free follow-up consultation within 7 days for any clarification

How Consultation Works
How it works: Video Consultation

  • Select specialty
  • Choose from the listed verified doctors (Use filters for specific search)
  • Select the date and time
  • Pay and Book your appointment
  • Click on the link received over mail and SMS to join the call
How it works: In Clinic Consultation

  • Select your city and specialty
  • Choose from the listed verified doctors near your locality
  • Select the date and time
  • Pay and Book your appointment
  • Visit the clinic on scheduled date and time

Dr Mrinalini Gupta


INR 500 /-