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Ayurvedic medicine online

Kutaja Parpati Vati by Dhootpapaeshwar
4.3 ★
Kutaja Parpati Vati By Dhootpa Dhootpapeshwar

Kutaja Parpati Vati By Dhootpapaeshwar : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 240
AVP Bala Thailam Gel Capsule Strip of 10 Capsule
4 ★
Avp Bala Thailam Gel Capsule S AVP

Helps in improving muscle and bone strength Beneficial in neurological conditions

MRP : INR 60
Vasu Swarnaprashan for Kids 30ml Bottle of  30 ML
4.3 ★
Vasu Swarnaprashan For Kids 30 VASU

Product Description Suvarnaprashan is one of the sixteen essential "Sanskara" for childre

MRP : INR 1500
Charak Zzowin Nutra Tablet
4.3 ★
Charak Zzowin Nutra Tablet Charak

Zzowin Nutra Tablet: Herbal tablets formulated with natural ingredients, used to support healthy sle

MRP : INR 499
Thyroidinum3X Bottle of 25 GM
4.5 ★
Thyroidinum3x Bottle Of 25 Gm SBL

SBL's Thyroidinum Trituration Tablet is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the thyroid gland. It is

MRP : INR 180
Laxirid Syrup Dabur
4.4 ★
Laxirid Syrup Dabur DABUR

Laxirid Syrup Dabur : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 180
Godanti Bhasma by Dhootapapeshwar
4.3 ★
Godanti Bhasma By Dhootapapesh Dhootpapeshwar

Dhootapapeshwar Godanti Bhasma is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of

MRP : INR 92
Kotakkal Saraswatarishtam Gold 200ml
4.3 ★
Kotakkal Saraswatarishtam Gold kottakkal

Naatural and Herbal Ayurvedic Product

MRP : INR 480
Dr Bakshi's B 28 Weight Drops Bottle of 30 ML
4.6 ★
Dr Bakshi's B 28 Weight Drops Bakson's

Bakson's B28 Weight Drop is a natural homeopathic medicine for obesity that can also address the eff

MRP : INR 185
INR 148
Haridrakhand Churna By Baidyanath Bottle Of 60 Gm
4.5 ★
Haridrakhand Churna By Baidyan Baidhyanath

Haridrakhand Churna by Baidyanath is an Ayurvedic medicine 

MRP : INR 101
Makoi Ark Baidyanath
4.5 ★
Makoi Ark Baidyanath Baidhyanath

Makoi Ark  for jaundice oedema anaemia jwar

MRP : INR 80
Vatari Guggul by Dhootpapeshwar
4.5 ★
Vatari Guggul By Dhootpapeshwa Dhootpapeshwar

Vatari Guggul by Dhootpapeshwar: Dhootapapeshwar's Ayurvedic tablets for supporting joint health and

MRP : INR 80
Mahathikthaka Gritham Soft Gel Strip of  50 Capsule
4.3 ★
Mahathikthaka Gritham Soft Gel Nagarjuna

Mahathikthaka Gritham Soft Gel : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation  

MRP : INR 600
Coolant Syrup Bottle of  200 ML
4.4 ★
Coolant Syrup Bottle Of 200 M ZOETIC

Coolant syrup is herbal antacid reduces excessive acid but also controls nausea, vomiting and f

MRP : INR 115
SDH Shwasni Avaleh  of 250 GM
4 ★
Sdh Shwasni Avaleh Of 250 Gm SDH Naturals

Helps in allergic breathing Deals with respiratory problems Soothes dry and whooping cough

MRP : INR 240
Kaunch Pak TS
4.3 ★
Kaunch Pak Ts Tansukh

Kaunch Pak Ts : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 80
Dhootapapeshwar  GUDUCHI TAB Jar of 60 QTY
4 ★
Dhootapapeshwar Guduchi Tab J Dhootpapeshwar

It is known to fight against respiratory infections Useful in strengthening the immune system Helps

MRP : INR 95
Purndhenu Gaumutra Ghanvati Himalaya Badri Bottle of 70 Tablet
4 ★

Gaumutra tablets balance tri doshas and purifies blood, regulates hormones, thereby keeping you heal

MRP : INR 110
Patanjali Haritaki Churna Bottle of 100 GM
4 ★
Patanjali Haritaki Churna Bott Patanjali Divya

Patanjali Haritaki churna aids digestion, detoxifies, supports gut health, and possesses anti-inflam

MRP : INR 40
ADEL 64 Uric Acid Drops Bottle of  20 ML
4 ★
Adel 64 Uric Acid Drops Bottle Adel

ADEL 64 Uric Acid Drops

MRP : INR 310
Heptowin Tablets by SKM
4.3 ★
Heptowin Tablets By Skm SKM SIDDHA & AYU

Heptowin Tablets By Skm : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 385
Vatavidhwansa Maha Rasa With Jayapala Rasakalpa By Dhootapapeshwar
4.5 ★
Vatavidhwansa Maha Rasa With J Dhootpapeshwar

Vatavidhwansa Maha Rasa With Jayapala Rasakalpa by Dhootapapeshwar - Ayurvedic tablets for managing

MRP : INR 178
patanjali Sphatika Bhasma Foil of 5 GM
4 ★
Patanjali Sphatika Bhasma Foil Patanjali Divya

Excessive bleeding, cough, breath related troubles, ulcer suppressive and helps in stopping nose ble

MRP : INR 15
Rajahpravartani Vati
4.4 ★
Rajahpravartani Vati Tansukh

Rajahpravartani Vati : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation

MRP : INR 70

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