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Ayurvedic For Allergy- Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Yoga & Diet

1.    What is an allergy?

When the immune system is highly sensitive, it tends to react to even harmless foreign substances. This reaction causes inflammation in the body and causes allergies. Ayurveda recognizes allergies as a result of an increase in Kapha Dosha. Imbalances in the three doshas that cause allergic reactions are most commonly caused by accumulated ama, or toxins, in the body.

2.    What are the symptoms of allergy? 

In Ayurvedic symptoms of allergy such as itchy and watery eyes, nose, irritated throat, skin rashes, etc are seen as a result of the imbalance of doshas and disturbed kapha dosha. While these symptoms are not fatal, other reactions such as inflammation leading to contraction of the esophagus trachea, and other internal organs can be deadly. As Ayurveda is an age-old traditional medical science it looks into the root cause of the symptoms and works holistically to achieve well-being. Ayurvedic treatment for allergy connects the body, mind, and spirit. 

3.    What are the common types of allergy?

In Ayurveda, allergy is caused by the accumulation of ama or toxins in the body system, leading to an imbalance of the three doshas: vata, pita, and Kapha. The most common types of allergies are:

  • Food allergy
  • Skin allergy
  • Respiratory allergy 

4.    What is the Ayurvedic treatment for skin allergy?

Ayurveda is a school of medicine that views health as a holistic factor, so rather than focusing on symptoms, it seeks to treat the underlying cause. I am stressed. However, the main cause of skin allergies is digestive disorders. Our skin reflects the health of our gut. Hence the ayurvedic treatment for skin allergy targets removing toxins from the digestive system. Herbal teas including neem, tulsi, aloe vera, etc are encouraged as a part of the diet along with multi-herbal kashaya. 

5.    What are the ayurvedic treatments for food allergy?

Food allergies are said to be caused by the accumulation of flax in the body that impairs digestion. In the case of food allergies, even a fraction of the food that causes the allergy can be fatal. The most common foods to be considered allergens are nuts, seeds, and shellfish.

Ayurvedic treatment for food allergy begins with detox to remove the accumulated toxins in the digestive system. Then it focuses on your diet to eliminate food combinations opposite to each other also known as virudh aharaa, For example, a combination of milk with acidic food, milk/curd with fish, etc. 

6.    What does an ayurvedic consultation of allergy constitute?

Ayurveda is a holistic form of well-being. Ayurvedic doctors for allergy are trained to diagnose while keeping in mind primary details such as the patient's body type, lifestyle, and even medical history. Complete care, ayurvedic for allergy designs a treatment that considers and compliments these factors. Though ayurvedic practices have been a part of our household for years, it is way more than those home remedies. Here are a few ayurvedic treatments for allergy that work wonders for your holistic health. 

1.   Neti Pot
Neti pot is an ayurvedic practice where a diluted saline solution is used for nasal rinse. It helps in releasing allergens from your nose and loosening up the sinus which otherwise can cause discomfort. 

2.   Nasya Practice 
Nasya is an age-old ayurvedic practice that is carried out using sesame oil infused with herbs like eucalyptus. The oil drops are gently passed into the nostrils helping in eliminating allergens from dry nostrils. It is best when practiced after neti pot. 

3.   Agni- Support your Metabolism 
Eat a balanced diet with foods that support your metabolism. Foods that are typically cold and heavy, such as meat, dairy, highly processed foods, and sugar, should be eliminated or at least consumed in reduced amounts. Replace with warm foods that are easier to eat. Don't be afraid to add spices to your cooking. Spices not only boost digestive agni, but they also help keep the immune system functioning properly. The most common ones like turmeric, black pepper and tulsi are great for the respiratory and digestive systems.

7.    Are there herbal remedies for allergies?

Herbal remedies for allergy are a part of the home remedies for seasonal allergy in every Indian household. Here are the most effective herbal remedies for allergy:

1.    Triphala
A combination of three highly efficient herbs including Amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki forms Triphala. This is high on anti-inflammatory properties and is capable of removing toxins that slow down your digestion which leads to strengthening the whole body's functional system. 

2.   Ashwagandha
As an adaptogen, Ashwagandha has been part of the ayurvedic medical system for decades. Its ability to bring back balance in the body makes it an all-rounder. High antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it the best agent against allergy. 

3.   Tulsi
A very common plant seen in Indian households. Tulsi is packed with anti-microbial properties. It has the ability to soothe your immunity system and help you fight against allergic reactions. Chewing a couple of fresh leaves everyday morning is a practice that will help with your allergic troubles. 

8.    Is online doctor consultation possible for allergy?

Today, with the advancement of technology online ayurvedic allergy treatment is possible with the help of online ayurvedic doctor consultation. Trusted platforms like Sushain Clinic make this possible with an online video call consultation feature that connects the best Ayurvedic doctors across the country. You can visit our platform and book an online consultation with the best Ayurvedic doctor. The platform also offers top quality Ayurvedic medicines that you can order and receive instantly. The Sushain Clinic offers a 360-degree experience of the goodness of Ayurveda.