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Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Improve Eyesight / Ophthalmology & Tips For Eye Care

Ayurvedic Herbs and spices commonly used daily in the majority of Indian kitchens have many medicinal properties Pepper, rich in nutrients good for kasa, shwasa, and daily usage in the diet boosts immunity.

Turmeric, another immunity booster taken with pepper powder adds more medicinal benefits from acting as a purifier of blood to boosting immunity.

Clove and cinnamon are good for digestion, antioxidants, reduce cholesterol and boost immunity.

Coriander seeds or leaves are good for digestion, antioxidants, and balance pitta.

Ginger garlic helps with digestion, acts as an anti-inflammatory, prevents cardiac issues, reduces cholesterol, and maintains blood sugar.

All the Ayurvedic herbs and spices always have to be used in a proportionate way as a medicine and as per requirement in the taste has its benefits.

Ayurveda for Opthalmology / Ayurveda for healthy eyes

Sense organs of the body play an important role in leading a healthy life.

So, it's important to take care of all the panchaindriyas or five sense organs of the body.

The eyes are one of the important sense organs.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Eyes is the gift of god to see nature, to cherish the memories with people by seeing through their eyes.


  • What is Opthalmology in Ayurveda?
  • Common Eye problems
  • Ayurveda treatment for Eye diseases
  • Ayurveda guide for healthy eyes
  • Ayurveda herbs for healthy eyes
  • Role of yoga and pranayama

What is Opthalmology in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda has 8 branches

Shalakya tantra is one of the eight branches, shalakya tantra explains the diseases and Ayurvedic treatment of eyes, nose, throat and ears.

So Opthalmology related to eye problems and treatment comes under the Shalakya tantra.

What are the common eye problems?

  • Refractive Errors
  • (Myopia, Hyperopia, presbyopia, Astigmatism)
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Optic neuropathy
  • Uveitis
  • Cataract
  • Amblyopia
  • Dry eye
  • Keratoconus
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Optic atrophy

What are the common symptoms of eye problems?

  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Excess discharge or tearing
  • Cloudy vision episodes
  • Difficulty in focusing on near or distant objects
  • Dark spot in the center of the field of vision
  • Sore tired, burning, or itching eyes
  • Headache
  • Photophobia (more sensitivity to light)
  • Eye pain 

Ayurvedic treatment for Eye diseases

  • Nasya
  • Gandoosha
  • Kavala
  • Dhoomapana
  • Shirodhara 
  • Shirovasti
  • Anjanam
  • Tharpana
  • Netra parisheka
  • Tarpana

Ayurveda tips for healthy eyes

1) Diet plays a very important role in maintaining good health of the eyes.
Fresh fruits like oranges, papaya, and all seasonal fruits are rich in vitamins c, and B.
Fresh vegetables and green leafy vegetables.
Nuts, fish, egg

Sufficient intake of water.
2) Daily intake of Amalaki is very good for eye health and eyesight.
3) Intake of Triphala churna or ghrita (ghee)

very good for eyes.
4) Avoiding screen time or wearing protective glasses during screen time is also important for eye health.

Ayurvedic herbs for healthy eyes

  • Amalaki
  • Vibhitaki
  • Haritaki
  • Chandana
  • Draksha
  • Kumari

Role of yoga for healthy eyes:

Practicing a few asanas daily is very good for healthy eyes.

  • Halasana
  • Balasana
  • Padahastasana
  • Sarvangasana

Also, meditation exercises like Trataka improve vision, improve eyesight and prevent the Ayurvedic Approach to Ophthalmology / eye problems