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Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Back Pain- Problems, Ayurvedic Treatment

Person Physical Strength and Health of the body is very important to do Day to Day Activities. Especially Back Bone, they are like the Foundation for the Construction of The House. In the same way, if Back Bone's health status is Good, then basic activities like standing, sitting, and walking will be normal. So, it's very important to take care of Back Bone. Ayurvedic Herbs for Back Pain can result from different injuries, Osteoarthritis, or Disease, or Injury to the muscles and tendons.

What are common back Pain problems?

Back pain: Lower Back Pain is the Shooting Pain in the muscles, burning or stabbing sensation. Pain also may radiate to the Leg.

Slipped disc: Slipped Disc for Ayurvedic Treatment is done when the outer ring which is the Soft Cushion of Tissue between the bones in Spine Slip or Pushes Out. This happens with Age. It’s Painful if it Presses on Nerves.

 What are the causes of backache?

  • Poor Posture Always Plays an Important Role for All Age Groups.
  • Strain or Injury to Muscle or ligaments Due to Lifting Heavy Weight or Falling.
  • Structural Causes Like Ruptured Discs, Bulging Disc
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Underlying Medical Conditions Like Kidney Stones, Spine Cancer, and Infections during Pregnancy.

 What are the symptoms of Back Pain Problems?

  • Low Back Pain
  • Increasing Pain with Lifting and Bending.
  • Pain Increases When Sitting, Standing, or Resting.
  • Also, Sometimes Pain Radiates to the Neck.
  • Stiffness in The Morning.
  • Pain Radiates away from Back to Hip and then Leg with Burning Sensation.

So, symptoms varies from person to person. Ayurveda refers to this condition as Kati shoola or kateegraham. Kati means lower back, and shoola means pain. It is caused due to aggregation of vata.

How Backache is treated in Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic treatment for Lower Back Pain is planned according to dosha involvement
Shodana(panchakarma) and shamana treatment. Panchakarma treatment gives very positive results in back aches.

  • Abhyanga followed by swedana.
  • Sneha basti
  • Kashaya basti
  • Kati basti

This panchakarma procedure is staanika basti, a circular ring in formed on the back with dough, then medicated Luke warm oil or tail is slowly poured inside the ring. Allowed to remain for 10-20 minutes, then removed. This procedure is performed for 5 to 7 days depending upon the severity of pain and cause.

Patra pinda sweda
Medicinal properties rich in herbal leaves are filled inside the cotton cloth pottali (bag), which is cooked in medicated oil, using this pottali gentle massage is given in the lower back to reduce pain and aggregated vata.

Shashtika shaali pinda sweda
This procedure is done by making pottali with boiled Shashtika shaali cooking in medicated oil and gentle massage on the back. This procedure gives muscular strength and heals strain on muscles and ligaments.

What is the diet to be followed to reduce aggravated vata in backache?

  • Always go for fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Intake of fibrous food to prevent and treat constipation
  • Avoid sugar, salt, tea coffee
  • Maintain weight

Important Ayurvedic herbs for backache

  • Nirgundi Nirgundi or Vitex Negundo has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxant properties. So, it is effective in backache.
  • Guggulu Guggulu or commiphora mukul treats arthritis, and anti-inflammatory conditions.
  • shallaki Shallaki or Boswellia serrata also acts as an anti-inflammatory and has anti-arthritis action.
  • Ginger Ginger reduces pain, Improves Agni (digestive fire), improves digestion, anti-inflammatory properties.

Home remedies for backache:

  • Drinking warm milk with 1/4 tsp of turmeric homemade powder once a day is good for bone and muscle strength in back pain.
  • Gentle massage with mustard oil boiled with garlic.
  • Alternate hot and cold packs for 10 min daily.
  • Proper rest.

Yoga for backache:

  •  Bhujangaasana
  •  Ardhamatsendraasana
  •  Trikonasana
  •  Tadaasana

So, it is important to take care of backbones. As everyone's daily activities are based on the healthy status of backbones. Ayurveda heals the pain with panchakarma treatment and medication.