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Pre-Conception Care in Ayurveda

Preconception care is the care and advice that focus on the health of both mother and father to increase the chances of having a healthy progeny care in Ayurvedic. Preconception care not only aims on the health of the mother, but also on the healthy status of father. It aims to improve maternal, paternal and child health in both the short and long-term.

Ayurveda explains preconception care in a holistic way of approach. Pre-Conception care in Ayurvedic aims at both male and female health, to develop a good quality of sperm and ovum for an uneventful preconception pregnancy journey and a healthy baby.


  • Counselling
  • Shodhana
  • Aahara Diet Plan for both the partners
  • Vihara
  • Important herbs for fertility
  • Yoga and pranayama are to be practiced.

1) Counselling

Preparing couples mentally and physically to be healthy to prepare themselves for the welcome of a baby. In today’s lifestyle, we come across a majority of infertility cases, as well as miscarriages.

Infertility is not only the cause it may be due to the vitiated doses in females but also in male partners. So, counseling for both partners is to be prepared for basic changes in their lifestyle, and for a few Shodhana procedure that helps for their health improvement with a healthy egg and sperm, to go through the beautiful journey of parenthood for Uneventful and healthy pregnancy care in Ayurveda.

So, counseling helps a lot for the couple both mentally and physically.

2) Shodhana

Shodhana is the Panchakarma procedure that helps to balance the vitiated doshas in both partners, Shodhana is planned depending upon the individual vitiated doshas or any specific health issues are there.

So Shodhana is done as part of beeja sanskara, to produce healthy ovum and sperm, which results in preventing genetic disorders in the baby, miscarriage, and aiming at healthy conception and progeny.

  • Snehana
  • Swedana
  • Virechana
  • Basti
  • Matra basti
  • Uttara Basti in females for treatment in some cases

According to Ayurveda, four elements play an important role in conception-

1) Rutu

Season is the fertile period in women's ovulation period for conception.

2) Kshetra

Fertile land, healthy uterus without any ailments for implantation

3) Ambu

Water in the form of nutrition, is a good nutritional supplement to the fetus.

4) Beeja

Healthy egg, that is healthy sperm and ovum for fertilization.

So, if all four elements are in a healthy balanced state, then conception happens. So, the Ayurvedic treatment approach is to maintain the four elements to prevent and treat infertility. All these support after Shodhana in a very healthy way for conception.

3) Ahara diet plan

  • Intake of fresh fruits, and vegetables.
  • Milk and ghee should be part of the diet.
  • Black gram is a rich source of folic acid, protein, and fibers, and also helps to prevent neural tube defects.
  • Leafy vegetables should be part of the diet.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Buttermilk.
  • Til tail (sesame) oil usage in the diet.

So one always has to eat freshly prepared homemade food at the proper time.

4) Vihara

Activities and way of living life should be with a positive attitude and in a healthy manner. Couples should be happy and spend time with each other by supporting each other emotionally and physically.

5) Important herbs for fertility:

  • Shatavari
  • Ashwagandha
  • Kumari
  • Guduchi
  • Amalaki
  • Til

6) Role of Yoga and pranayama:

The role of yoga and pranayam as a part of preconception care and beeja sanskara has very beneficial results for conception and the uneventful journey of pregnancy with garbhasanskar.

The practice of Suryanamaskar daily gives strength to the reproductive system of both male and female partners and prepares the body for conception in females.

  • Trikonasana
  • Paadahastaasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Halasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Butterfly poses
  • Setubandhasana

So, it's very important to take care of health, diet, sleep, and physical activity as a part of preconception care in Ayurveda to start a new journey of life.