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Online Ayurvedic doctor Consultation for digestive, digestion, gastric, gastro, IBS gastroenterologist Specialist

Ayurveda is an ancient science that uses natural medicine to heal the body. It believes in a balance between mind, body, and soul and that poor digestion leads to various health problems. According to Ayurveda, digestive care plays an important role in healthy being. So, an Ayurvedic doctor also treats disease by correcting digestion first. There are many Online Ayurvedic doctors Consultations for digestive issues available.

Ayurveda and digestion Problem

According to Ayurveda digestion is not only breaking the foods but is the transformation of food into energy and nourishment of the body. Ayurveda is called digestive fire Agni which is responsible for digestion, assimilation of foods and nutrients as well as elimination of waste. If Agni is strong then the body is healthy. If Agni is weak then it may lead to many digestive diseases like bloating, Crohn’s, constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, IBS, hyperacidity, etc. Ayurvedic doctor consultations for digestion always look for which dosha is involved as each dosha has specific symptoms that may guide to correct diagnosis. If any dosha is imbalanced it may lead to digestive issues. In Ayurveda digestive system doctor focuses on balancing dosha and agni.

If Vata dosha is imbalanced then it leads to bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements. Pitta dosha imbalance may lead to acid reflux, heartburn, and inflammatory digestive disorders. Kapha dosha imbalance may cause poor digestion, constipation, and weight gain.

Thus, an Online ayurvedic doctor consultation for digestive restores the balance between this dosha and promotes healthy digestion. Many digestive care specialist for stomach that digestive issues occur due to poor eating habits and due to sedentary lifestyles. So ayurvedic doctor consultation for digestion along with medicine advice diet and lifestyle modification too.

Common digestive disease - 

There are many digestive diseases but common ones which digestive system doctor sees in many individuals are -

Indigestion (Ajirna) - When food is not digested properly, it may lead to discomfort and produce symptoms like bloating, burping, and gas. If any individual is suffering from bloating or gas then a specialist for stomach checks for indigestion first and other symptoms.

Acid Reflux (Amalpitta)— According to an Ayurvedic gastroenterologist, it is caused by excessive Pitta in the stomach, leading to burning sensations and sour belching. So, the gastroenterologist specialist stops the excessive acid production by medication and diet.

Constipation (Vibandha) – Ayurvedic doctor consultations for gastric always suggest that if there is an imbalance in Vata dosha then it may lead to constipation, hard stool, and difficulty in passing stool. The doctor for gastro gives some laxatives for easy bowel movements. Even ayurvedic doctor treats with ayurvedic laxatives.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)- Today’s most common gastro disease is IBS. Gastrointestinal doctor says that it is often caused by a combination of stress, poor diet, and dosha imbalance. Many gastro specialists are available to treat IBS, and even online doctors for IBS are available worldwide to treat this condition. So, if one is suffering from IBS then book an appointment with the online doctor for IBS.

These are the few common diseases that everyone is facing in today’s era. There are many doctor gastroenterologists available all over the world. So, get the proper consultation for gastric issues and get proper treatment with an Ayurvedic doctor gastro specialist for the stomach.

Ayurvedic treatment for digestive disease 

Ayurvedic doctors for digestive suggest the Ayurvedic treatment for digestive disease which includes diet and lifestyle modification, herbal medicine, and panchakarma therapies. This plays an important role in the treatment of digestive issues. Ayurvedic gastroenterologists treat according to the dosha imbalance if vata dosha imbalance then treat it with warm, nourishing foods and herbs, if pitta dosha imbalance then cooling, soothing food and herbs and if kapha imbalance then foods which provide energy and some activities to kindle agni. So, an Ayurvedic doctor consultation undergoes a proper examination and provides a personalized treatment plan for the individual. So, choosing the right ayurvedic doctor consultation for gastro issues will give you the best results. Ayurvedic doctor for gastro is the best way to correct your gut.

Some herbs for digestive care 

Ginger – It is one of the best herbs for digestive care. Ginger helps in the stimulation of digestion and reduces inflammation in the digestive tract. Ayurvedic gastrologist specialists suggest conditions like nausea, indigestion, and gas.

Turmeric – It is an important herb that helps in reducing inflammation of the digestive tract. Digestive care specialists suggest conditions like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and IBS.

Triphala – It is the combination of 3 herbs I e Amalaki, Bhibhitaki, and haritaki. Most powerful herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic doctor consultation for digestive suggest this medicine to improve digestion and regulate bowel movements.

Cumin – Cumin helps to stimulate digestion, and reduce gas and bloating. 

Fennel – It is a carminative herb that reduces gas and bloating. It acts as an appetizer and aids digestion.

These are the herbs that are used by doctor gastroenterologists in combination with tablets, churn, and capsule formulations. So, choose an ayurvedic doctor consultation for gastro for the specific concern and to get the best results. There are many specialists for stomach issues so choose the best one to get the complete cure of your issues. Digestive care plays a vital role in living healthily. 

Conclusion – 

Ayurveda offers a unique and holistic approach to digestive health, emphasizing the importance of balance, proper digestion, and personalized care. With the guidance of a gastrointestinal doctor individuals suffering from digestive issues can find relief through natural remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modification. By restoring balance to dosha, doctor for gastro helps patients achieve overall health and well-being. So, get your ayurvedic doctor consultation for gastric issues to keep your gut healthy.