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Best Ayurvedic Treatments for Common Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Problems

  • Ear Infections
  • Sinusitis
  • Chest Infections
  • Sore Throat
  • Nose Bleeds

What are the Causes of ENT Discomforts?

  • Imbalance of Doshas
  • Inflammation
  • Bacterial & Viral infections
  • Allergies
  • Weak Immunity System

What are the symptoms of ENT Discomfort?

  • Ear Pain
  • Throat Pain
  • Itchy throat
  • Cold & Cough
  • Fluid Discharge

What are Natural Remedies to Ease ENT Discomforts?

  • Cardamom: Dissolve cardamom powder in warm water and gargle to relieve sore throat.
  • Triphala and Yashtimadhu decoctions.
  • Basil Leaves in the form of juice.
  • Add turmeric to your diet.

What is the Ayurvedic approach to ENT Discomfort?

Ayurveda is a holistic medical system that considers both Ahar and Bihar for treatment. Ahaar the food component of the plan is to maintain a healthy balanced diet and tweak it as per your physiological needs. Vihaar is the lifestyle you must follow to obtain relief. Online Ayurvedic Consultation for ENT Problems is now available on Sushianclinic.com which is a platform that offers 360 degree Ayurvedic health needs. ENT Problems can be reversed with Ayurveda. Consult an Online Ayurvedic doctor for ENT on sushainclinic.com.

What is the diet that helps ENT Discomfort?

  • The addition of vitamin C-rich food helps in boosting the immunity system.
  •  Try to include garlic, onion, and ginger because these food ingredients help to maintain the Agni in our system.
  •  Avoid milk, cheese, and curd from your diet.

Yoga for better ENT health

  • Bhramara mudra
  • Ustrasana
  • Bhujangasana